CollaboraOnline / online

Collabora Online is a collaborative online office suite based on LibreOffice technology. This is also the source for the Collabora Office apps for iOS and Android.
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Document with header disconnects the server when using CTRL+V and CTRL+Z #9366

Closed rodrigopdsa closed 1 month ago

rodrigopdsa commented 2 months ago

When a document has a header and I use CTRL+C in a paragraph in a local .DOCX document and CTRL+V in the Collabora editor, the header disappears. If I use CTRL+Z to undo, the server disconnects and restarts.

Identified in the Docker container.

timur-g commented 2 months ago

Please copy version info from Help-About. Is it with any local (or DOCX only) and online documents or some specific? Could you attach docker log?

rodrigopdsa commented 2 months ago

Please copy version info from Help-About. Is it with any local (or DOCX only) and online documents or some specific? Could you attach docker log?

This occurs when the document has a header. It was tested with a .DOCX file.

The steps that caused the error were: 1) I opened a .docx document with a header in the Collabora Online editor. 2) I opened a .docx document on my local machine. 3) I copied (CTRL+C) a paragraph from the document on my local machine and pasted (CTRL+V) into the Collabora Online editor. At this stage the header disappears. 4) I used CTRL+Z to undo the pasted text. At this step, the docker container shut down and I was disconnected.

Below is the Collabora version and the error log.

Version: Server: COOLWSD HTTP Server

Error log:

kit-00100-00100 2024-06-30 03:49:12.440537 +0000 [ kitbroker_002 ] SIG Fatal signal received: SIGSEGV code: 1 for address: 0x8 Recent activity: Session count: 1 view: 4, session 04c, rw, user: 'LocalUser#1', loading, type: text, lang: pt-br Commands: session: 04c: load doc: file:///tmp/user/docs/8M1MeayfyAeXmtBQ/AFRCPI-ID-3936-formulario.docx session: 04c: unoCommand : ToolbarMode?Mode:string=notebookbar_online.ui - 2024-06-30 03:48:23 session: 04c: unoCommand : SidebarShow - 2024-06-30 03:48:24 session: 04c: setClipboard 381 bytes session: 04c: unoCommand : Paste - 2024-06-30 03:48:29 session: 04c: unoCommand : Undo - 2024-06-30 03:48:30 trimAfterInactivity session: 04c: setClipboard 7285 bytes session: 04c: unoCommand : Paste - 2024-06-30 03:49:09 session: 04c: unoCommand : Undo - 2024-06-30 03:49:12

Backtrace 100 - kit startup of 594b605: /usr/bin/coolforkit(_ZN7SigUtil13dumpBacktraceEv+0x73)[0x620543] /usr/bin/coolforkit[0x620965] /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/[0x7fe1deeda050] /opt/collaboraoffice/program/../program/[0x7fe1cf7218c2] /opt/collaboraoffice/program/../program/[0x7fe1cf7219a4] /opt/collaboraoffice/program/../program/[0x7fe1cfc3ed63] /opt/collaboraoffice/program/../program/[0x7fe1cfc3cf36] /opt/collaboraoffice/program/../program/[0x7fe1cfc4f524] /opt/collaboraoffice/program/[0x7fe1dba1ab74] /opt/collaboraoffice/program/[0x7fe1dba1ab74] /opt/collaboraoffice/program/[0x7fe1dba20599] /opt/collaboraoffice/program/../program/[0x7fe1cfc39e08] /opt/collaboraoffice/program/../program/[0x7fe1cf98b4eb] /opt/collaboraoffice/program/../program/[0x7fe1d0311352] /opt/collaboraoffice/program/../program/[0x7fe1d012a79a] /opt/collaboraoffice/program/[0x7fe1db56d83f] /opt/collaboraoffice/program/[0x7fe1db5b3087] /opt/collaboraoffice/program/[0x7fe1da747647] /opt/collaboraoffice/program/[0x7fe1da747795] /opt/collaboraoffice/program/[0x7fe1db8de230] /usr/bin/coolforkit(_ZN12ChildSession10unoCommandERK12StringVector+0x499)[0x572ee9] /usr/bin/coolforkit(_ZN12ChildSession12_handleInputEPKci+0x2cb2)[0x590ee2] /usr/bin/coolforkit(_ZN7Session13handleMessageERKSt6vectorIcSaIcEE+0x58)[0x617198] /usr/bin/coolforkit(_ZN8Document14forwardToChildERKSsRKSt6vectorIcSaIcEE+0x503)[0x5cd833] /usr/bin/coolforkit(_ZN8Document10drainQueueEv+0xdd8)[0x5cecc8] /usr/bin/coolforkit(_ZN13KitSocketPoll7kitPollEi+0x198)[0x5cf2f8] /opt/collaboraoffice/program/[0x7fe1dcda79fd] /opt/collaboraoffice/program/[0x7fe1dcda7c4d] /opt/collaboraoffice/program/[0x7fe1dcc01901] /opt/collaboraoffice/program/[0x7fe1dcc020b5] /opt/collaboraoffice/program/[0x7fe1db86949a] /opt/collaboraoffice/program/[0x7fe1dcc0ade1] /opt/collaboraoffice/program/[0x7fe1db88cd8c] /opt/collaboraoffice/program/[0x7fe1db8a2fd5] /usr/bin/coolforkit(_Z10lokit_mainRKSsS0_S0_S0_bbbbm+0x268b)[0x5d6a7b] /usr/bin/coolforkit[0x5a273a] /usr/bin/coolforkit(_Z18forkLibreOfficeKitRKSsS0S0+0xc1d)[0x5a41fd] /usr/bin/coolforkit(_Z11forkit_mainiPPc+0x2331)[0x5a7cd1] /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/[0x7fe1deec524a] /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/[0x7fe1deec5305] /usr/bin/coolforkit[0x56c4e2] wsd-00001-00119 2024-06-30 00:49:12.478503 -0300 [ docbroker_002 ] WRN #34: DocBroker [%2Farquivos%2FP-ISO-Engine%2FarquivosPaginaEmEdicao%2Fportaliso-demo%2FAFRCPI-ID-3936-formulario.docx] got disconnected from its Kit (100) unexpectedly. Closing| wsd/COOLWSD.cpp:3576 wsd-00001-00119 2024-06-30 00:49:12.478633 -0300 [ docbroker_002 ] ERR Cannot save because CanSave::NoKit though NeedToSave::Yes_Modified. May have data loss, but must stop| wsd/DocumentBroker.cpp:2604 wsd-00001-00119 2024-06-30 00:49:12.478885 -0300 [ docbroker_002 ] WRN DocBroker [%2Farquivos%2FP-ISO-Engine%2FarquivosPaginaEmEdicao%2Fportaliso-demo%2FAFRCPI-ID-3936-formulario.docx stopped although have unsaved modifications: Broker: %2Farquivos%2FP-ISO-Engine%2FarquivosPaginaEmEdicao%2Fportaliso-demo%2FAFRCPI-ID-3936-formulario.docx pid: 100 has live sessions loaded in: 116ms child PID: 100 sent: 277926 recv: 4633 jail id: l9CG9Lp4Qax6B4SX filename: AFRCPI-ID-3936-formulario.docx public uri: file:///arquivos/P-ISO-Engine/arquivosPaginaEmEdicao/portaliso-demo/AFRCPI-ID-3936-formulario.docx jailed uri: file:///tmp/user/docs/8M1MeayfyAeXmtBQ/AFRCPI-ID-3936-formulario.docx doc key: %2Farquivos%2FP-ISO-Engine%2FarquivosPaginaEmEdicao%2Fportaliso-demo%2FAFRCPI-ID-3936-formulario.docx doc id: 002 num sessions: 1 thread start: Sun Jun 30 00:48.179 2024 (50s 299ms ago) stop: true closeReason: docdisconnected modified?: true possibly-modified: true canSave: CanSave::NoKit canUpload: CanUpload::Yes isStorageOutdated: false needToUpload: NeedToUpload::No lastActivityTime: Sun Jun 30 00:49.439 2024 (0s 38ms ago) haveActivityAfterSaveRequest: true lastModifyActivityTime: Sun Jun 30 00:49.439 2024 (0s 38ms ago) haveModifyActivityAfterSaveRequest: true loadDuration (ms): 116 wopiDownloadDuration (ms): 0 alwaysSaveOnExit: true backgroundAutoSave: true backgroundManualSave: true isViewFileExtension: false last quarantined version: idle time: 0 cursor X: 7900, Y: 2662, W: 0, H: 276 DocumentState: doc state: Status::Live doc activity: Activity::None doc loaded: true interactive: false close requested: true unload requested: false disconnected from kit: Disconnected::Normal SaveManager: version: 0 isSaving now: false idle-save enabled: true idle-save interval: 30000ms auto-save enabled: true auto-save interval: 300000ms check interval: 30000ms last auto-save check time: Sun Jun 30 00:48.183 2024 (14s 295ms ago) auto-save check needed: false last save request: Sun Jun 30 00:48.179 2024 (50s 299ms ago) last save response: Sun Jun 30 00:48.179 2024 (50s 299ms ago) last save duration: 0ms min time between saves: 500ms file last modified time: Sun Jun 30 00:48.176 2024 (50s 301ms ago) saving-timeout: 5s last save timed-out: false last save successful: true save failure count: 0 StorageManager: isUploading now: false last upload request time: Sun Jun 30 00:48.179 2024 (50s 299ms ago) last upload response time: Sun Jun 30 00:48.179 2024 (50s 299ms ago) last upload duration: 0ms min time between uploads: 5000ms last modified time (on server): 2024-06-30T03:48:21.304886Z file last modified: Sun Jun 30 00:48.176 2024 (50s 301ms ago) last upload was successful: true upload failure count: 0 Last StorageAttributes: forced: false user-modified: false auto-save: false exit-save: false extended-data: Current StorageAttributes: forced: false user-modified: false auto-save: false exit-save: false extended-data: Next StorageAttributes: forced: false user-modified: false auto-save: false exit-save: false extended-data: TileCache: num: 23 size: 26428 bytes 47 25 bytes ' nviewid=1000 part=0 width=256 height=256 tileposx=15360 tileposy=7680 tilewidth=3840 tileheight=3840 oldwid=0 wid=47 ver=66 imgsize=26 keyframe 42 25 bytes ' nviewid=1000 part=0 width=256 height=256 tileposx=15360 tileposy=3840 tilewidth=3840 tileheight=3840 oldwid=0 wid=42 ver=61 imgsize=26 keyframe 37 25 bytes ' nviewid=1000 part=0 width=256 height=256 tileposx=15360 tileposy=0 tilewidth=3840 tileheight=3840 oldwid=0 wid=37 ver=56 imgsize=26 keyframe 20 114 bytes ' nviewid=1000 part=0 width=256 height=256 tileposx=11520 tileposy=15360 tilewidth=3840 tileheight=3840 oldwid=0 wid=20 ver=28 imgsize=115 deltas: 0: 20 -> 0 1: 59 -> 114 15 74 bytes ' nviewid=1000 part=0 width=256 height=256 tileposx=7680 tileposy=11520 tilewidth=3840 tileheight=3840 oldwid=0 wid=15 ver=23 imgsize=75 deltas: 0: 15 -> 0 1: 54 -> 74 16 55 bytes ' nviewid=1000 part=0 width=256 height=256 tileposx=11520 tileposy=11520 tilewidth=3840 tileheight=3840 oldwid=0 wid=16 ver=24 imgsize=56 deltas: 0: 16 -> 0 1: 55 -> 55 14 46 bytes ' nviewid=1000 part=0 width=256 height=256 tileposx=3840 tileposy=11520 tilewidth=3840 tileheight=3840 oldwid=0 wid=14 ver=22 imgsize=47 deltas: 0: 14 -> 0 1: 53 -> 46 17 2231 bytes ' nviewid=1000 part=0 width=256 height=256 tileposx=0 tileposy=15360 tilewidth=3840 tileheight=3840 oldwid=0 wid=17 ver=25 imgsize=2232 deltas: 0: 17 -> 0 1: 56 -> 2231 1 10128 bytes ' nviewid=1000 part=0 width=256 height=256 tileposx=3840 tileposy=0 tilewidth=3840 tileheight=3840 oldwid=0 wid=1 ver=2 imgsize=4582 deltas: 0: 1 -> 0 1: 21 -> 4581 2: 30 -> 4581 3: 33 -> 5678 4: 48 -> 5692 5: 62 -> 5692 6: 66 -> 10128 5 58 bytes ' nviewid=1000 part=0 width=256 height=256 tileposx=0 tileposy=3840 tilewidth=3840 tileheight=3840 oldwid=0 wid=5 ver=5 imgsize=59 deltas: 0: 5 -> 0 1: 38 -> 58 18 62 bytes ' nviewid=1000 part=0 width=256 height=256 tileposx=3840 tileposy=15360 tilewidth=3840 tileheight=3840 oldwid=0 wid=18 ver=26 imgsize=63 deltas: 0: 18 -> 0 1: 57 -> 62 3 2745 bytes ' nviewid=1000 part=0 width=256 height=256 tileposx=7680 tileposy=0 tilewidth=3840 tileheight=3840 oldwid=0 wid=3 ver=3 imgsize=2299 deltas: 0: 3 -> 0 1: 50 -> 2298 2: 60 -> 2298 3: 64 -> 2745 7 25 bytes ' nviewid=1000 part=0 width=256 height=256 tileposx=7680 tileposy=3840 tilewidth=3840 tileheight=3840 oldwid=0 wid=7 ver=7 imgsize=26 deltas: 0: 7 -> 0 1: 40 -> 25 9 58 bytes ' nviewid=1000 part=0 width=256 height=256 tileposx=0 tileposy=7680 tilewidth=3840 tileheight=3840 oldwid=0 wid=9 ver=9 imgsize=59 deltas: 0: 9 -> 0 1: 43 -> 58 2 6366 bytes ' nviewid=1000 part=0 width=256 height=256 tileposx=0 tileposy=0 tilewidth=3840 tileheight=3840 oldwid=0 wid=2 ver=1 imgsize=6195 deltas: 0: 2 -> 0 1: 22 -> 6194 2: 29 -> 6194 3: 34 -> 6338 4: 49 -> 6352 5: 61 -> 6352 6: 65 -> 6366 6 25 bytes ' nviewid=1000 part=0 width=256 height=256 tileposx=3840 tileposy=3840 tilewidth=3840 tileheight=3840 oldwid=0 wid=6 ver=6 imgsize=26 deltas: 0: 6 -> 0 1: 39 -> 25 19 2336 bytes ' nviewid=1000 part=0 width=256 height=256 tileposx=7680 tileposy=15360 tilewidth=3840 tileheight=3840 oldwid=0 wid=19 ver=27 imgsize=2337 deltas: 0: 19 -> 0 1: 58 -> 2336 4 133 bytes ' nviewid=1000 part=0 width=256 height=256 tileposx=11520 tileposy=0 tilewidth=3840 tileheight=3840 oldwid=0 wid=4 ver=4 imgsize=134 deltas: 0: 4 -> 0 1: 67 -> 133 8 55 bytes ' nviewid=1000 part=0 width=256 height=256 tileposx=11520 tileposy=3840 tilewidth=3840 tileheight=3840 oldwid=0 wid=8 ver=8 imgsize=56 deltas: 0: 8 -> 0 1: 41 -> 55 10 25 bytes ' nviewid=1000 part=0 width=256 height=256 tileposx=3840 tileposy=7680 tilewidth=3840 tileheight=3840 oldwid=0 wid=10 ver=10 imgsize=26 deltas: 0: 10 -> 0 1: 44 -> 25 11 25 bytes ' nviewid=1000 part=0 width=256 height=256 tileposx=7680 tileposy=7680 tilewidth=3840 tileheight=3840 oldwid=0 wid=11 ver=11 imgsize=26 deltas: 0: 11 -> 0 1: 45 -> 25 13 81 bytes ' nviewid=1000 part=0 width=256 height=256 tileposx=0 tileposy=11520 tilewidth=3840 tileheight=3840 oldwid=0 wid=13 ver=21 imgsize=82 deltas: 0: 13 -> 0 1: 52 -> 81 12 55 bytes ' nviewid=1000 part=0 width=256 height=256 tileposx=11520 tileposy=7680 tilewidth=3840 tileheight=3840 oldwid=0 wid=12 ver=12 imgsize=56 deltas: 0: 12 -> 0 1: 46 -> 55 stream cache: 0 num: 0 size: 0 bytes stream cache: 1 num: 0 size: 0 bytes stream cache: 2 num: 2 size: 32776 bytes .uno:CharFontName 29619 bytes .uno:StyleApply 3157 bytes tiles being rendered 0

SocketPoll: Poll [docbroker_002] with 1 socket - wakeup rfd: 31 wfd: 32 fd events rbuffered wbuffered rtotal wtotal clientaddress 28 0x1 process 0 0 r: 4633 w: 277926 alive 10.262ms

    id: 04c
    name: ToClient-04c
    disconnected: false
    isActive: true
    isCloseFrame: false
    isWritable: true
    isReadOnly: false
    isAllowChangeComments: false
    isEditable: true
    docURL: file%3A%2F%2F%2Farquivos%2FP-ISO-Engine%2FarquivosPaginaEmEdicao%2Fportaliso-demo%2FAFRCPI-ID-3936-formulario.docx
    haveDocPwd: false
    isDocPwdProtected: false
    userId: LocalUser1
    userName: LocalUser#1
    lang: pt-br
    timezone: America/Fortaleza
    isLive: true
    isViewLoaded: true
    isDocumentOwner: false
    state: SessionState::LIVE
    keyEvents: 1
    clientSelectedPart: 0
    tile size Pixel: 256x256
    tile size Twips: 3840x3840
    kit ViewId: 4
    our URL (un-trusted):
    isTextDocument: true
    clipboardKeys[0]: 4f462db521e3d166
    clipboardKeys[1]: b426642ab942ec40
    clip sockets: 0
    proxy access:: 
    clientSelectedMode: 0
    requestedTiles: 0
    beingRendered: 0
    sent/keystroke: 277926 bytes
    onFlyUpperLimit: 10
    onFlyCount: 0

    queue size 0

Document broker sessions [1], should duplicate the above: id: 04c name: ToClient-04c disconnected: false isActive: true isCloseFrame: false isWritable: true isReadOnly: false isAllowChangeComments: false isEditable: true docURL: file%3A%2F%2F%2Farquivos%2FP-ISO-Engine%2FarquivosPaginaEmEdicao%2Fportaliso-demo%2FAFRCPI-ID-3936-formulario.docx jailedFilePath: docPwd: haveDocPwd: false isDocPwdProtected: false DocOptions: userId: LocalUser1 userName: LocalUser#1 lang: pt-br timezone: America/Fortaleza isLive: true isViewLoaded: true isDocumentOwner: false state: SessionState::LIVE keyEvents: 1 clientSelectedPart: 0 tile size Pixel: 256x256 tile size Twips: 3840x3840 kit ViewId: 4 our URL (un-trusted): isTextDocument: true clipboardKeys[0]: 4f462db521e3d166 clipboardKeys[1]: b426642ab942ec40 clip sockets: 0 proxy access:: clientSelectedMode: 0 requestedTiles: 0 beingRendered: 0 sent/keystroke: 277926 bytes onFlyUpperLimit: 10 onFlyCount: 0

    queue size 0

| wsd/DocumentBroker.cpp:666 frk-00015-00015 2024-06-30 00:45:25.096879 -0300 [ forkit ] INF Forkit initialization complete: setting log-level to [warning] as configured.| kit/ForKit.cpp:789 frk-00015-00015 2024-06-30 00:49:12.478883 -0300 [ forkit ] WRN Successfully sent 'segfaultcount' message segfaultcount 1 | kit/ForKit.cpp:344 wsd-00001-00014 2024-06-30 00:49:12.479201 -0300 [ prisoner_poll ] TST UnitWSD [exitTest] (+0ms): ERROR: FAILURE: exitTest: TestResult::Failed: kit segfault| common/Unit.cpp:530 wsd-00001-00014 2024-06-30 00:49:12.479250 -0300 [ prisoner_poll ] TST UnitWSD [exitTest] (+0ms): Dumping state| common/Unit.cpp:536 wsd-00001-00014 2024-06-30 00:49:12.479273 -0300 [ prisoner_poll ] TST UnitWSD [endTest] (+0ms): Ending test by stopping SocketPoll [UnitWSD]: kit segfault| common/Unit.cpp:595 wsd-00001-00001 2024-06-30 00:49:12.479286 -0300 [ coolwsd ] SIG User signal received: SIGUSR1 wsd-00001-00014 2024-06-30 00:49:12.479304 -0300 [ prisoner_poll ] TST UnitWSD [endTest] (+0ms): ==================== Finished [UnitWSD] ====================| common/Unit.cpp:604 wsd-00001-00014 2024-06-30 00:49:12.479321 -0300 [ prisoner_poll ] TST UnitBase [onExitTest] (+0ms): UnitWSD was the last test. Finishing FAILED| common/Unit.cpp:714 wsd-00001-00014 2024-06-30 00:49:12.480874 -0300 [ prisoner_poll ] TST UnitWSD [onExitTest] (+1ms): Setting TerminationFlag as there are no more tests| common/Unit.cpp:720 wsd-00001-00014 2024-06-30 00:45:25.138199 -0300 [ prisoner_poll ] TRC ppoll start, timeoutMicroS: 17959404 size 3| net/Socket.cpp:414 COOLWSDServer: - 594b605 Kit version: {"BuildId":"3709158c476d3931713e1be652f02aae1db91dd3","ProductExtension":".4.2","ProductName":"Collabora Office","ProductVersion":"24.04","tunnelled_dialog_image_cache_size":"100"} Ports: server 9980 prisoner coolwsd-UNK6ztoF SSL: https SSL-Termination: no Security chroot, api lockdown Admin: enabled RouteToken: TerminationFlag: 1 isShuttingDown: 1 NewChildren: 4 OutstandingForks: 0 NumPreSpawnedChildren: 4 ChildSpawnTimeoutMs: 5000 Document Brokers: 1 of which ConvertTo: 0 vs. MaxDocuments: 1000000 NumConnections: 1 vs. MaxConnections: 1000000 SysTemplate: /opt/cool/systemplate LoTemplate: /opt/collaboraoffice ChildRoot: /opt/cool/child-roots/1-567aee02/ FileServerRoot: /usr/share/coolwsd ServiceRoot: LOKitVersion: {"BuildId":"3709158c476d3931713e1be652f02aae1db91dd3","ProductExtension":".4.2","ProductName":"Collabora Office","ProductVersion":"24.04","tunnelled_dialog_image_cache_size":"100"} HostIdentifier: 7ee93161 ConfigFile: /etc/coolwsd/coolwsd.xml ConfigDir: /etc/coolwsd/conf.d LogLevel: warning LogDisabledAreas: Socket,WebSocket,Admin AnonymizeUserData: no CheckCoolUser: yes IsProxyPrefixEnabled: no OverrideWatermark: UserInterface: default Server poll:

SocketPoll: Poll [accept_poll] with 1 socket - wakeup rfd: 8 wfd: 9 fd events rbuffered wbuffered rtotal wtotal clientaddress 14 Web Server poll:

SocketPoll: Poll [websrv_poll] with 0 sockets - wakeup rfd: 4 wfd: 5 fd events rbuffered wbuffered rtotal wtotal clientaddress Prisoner poll:

SocketPoll: Poll [prisoner_poll] with 5 sockets - wakeup rfd: 6 wfd: 7 fd events rbuffered wbuffered rtotal wtotal clientaddress 15 16 0x1 process 0 0 r: 242 w: 267 uds-to-pid-15 alive 0.239ms 17 0x1 process 0 0 r: 493 w: 237 uds-to-pid-48 alive 0.194ms 24 0x1 process 0 0 r: 250 w: 237 uds-to-pid-63 alive 0.2ms 26 0x1 process 0 0 r: 250 w: 237 uds-to-pid-70 alive 0.186ms Admin poll:

SocketPoll: Poll [admin] with 1 socket - wakeup rfd: 10 wfd: 11 fd events rbuffered wbuffered rtotal wtotal clientaddress 30 0x1 process 0 0 r: 5070 w: 4585 alive 9.739ms Delay poll: doesn't exist. AsyncDNS: active lookup: false queued lookups: 0 Saved clipboards: 2 93 seconds 0x0000 74 65 78 74 2F 70 6C 61 69 6E 3B 63 68 61 72 73 65 74 3D 75 74 66 2D 38 0A 30 0A 0A | text/plain;charset=utf-8.0..
0x0020 |
93 seconds 0x0000 74 65 78 74 2F 70 6C 61 69 6E 3B 63 68 61 72 73 65 74 3D 75 74 66 2D 38 0A 30 0A 0A | text/plain;charset=utf-8.0..
0x0020 |
Document Broker polls [ 1 ]: Broker: %2Farquivos%2FP-ISO-Engine%2FarquivosPaginaEmEdicao%2Fportaliso-demo%2FAFRCPI-ID-3936-formulario.docx pid: 100 has live sessions loaded in: 116ms child PID: 100 sent: 277926 recv: 4633 jail id: l9CG9Lp4Qax6B4SX filename: AFRCPI-ID-3936-formulario.docx public uri: file:///arquivos/P-ISO-Engine/arquivosPaginaEmEdicao/portaliso-demo/AFRCPI-ID-3936-formulario.docx jailed uri: file:///tmp/user/docs/8M1MeayfyAeXmtBQ/AFRCPI-ID-3936-formulario.docx doc key: %2Farquivos%2FP-ISO-Engine%2FarquivosPaginaEmEdicao%2Fportaliso-demo%2FAFRCPI-ID-3936-formulario.docx doc id: 002 num sessions: 1 thread start: Sun Jun 30 00:48.179 2024 (50s 301ms ago) stop: true closeReason: docdisconnected modified?: true possibly-modified: true canSave: CanSave::NoKit canUpload: CanUpload::Yes isStorageOutdated: false needToUpload: NeedToUpload::No lastActivityTime: Sun Jun 30 00:49.439 2024 (0s 41ms ago) haveActivityAfterSaveRequest: true lastModifyActivityTime: Sun Jun 30 00:49.439 2024 (0s 41ms ago) haveModifyActivityAfterSaveRequest: true loadDuration (ms): 116 wopiDownloadDuration (ms): 0 alwaysSaveOnExit: true backgroundAutoSave: true backgroundManualSave: true isViewFileExtension: false last quarantined version: idle time: 0 cursor X: 7900, Y: 2662, W: 0, H: 276 DocumentState: doc state: Status::Live doc activity: Activity::None doc loaded: true interactive: false close requested: true unload requested: false disconnected from kit: Disconnected::Normal SaveManager: version: 0 isSaving now: false idle-save enabled: true idle-save interval: 30000ms auto-save enabled: true auto-save interval: 300000ms check interval: 30000ms last auto-save check time: Sun Jun 30 00:48.183 2024 (14s 297ms ago) auto-save check needed: false last save request: Sun Jun 30 00:48.179 2024 (50s 301ms ago) last save response: Sun Jun 30 00:48.179 2024 (50s 301ms ago) last save duration: 0ms min time between saves: 500ms file last modified time: Sun Jun 30 00:48.176 2024 (50s 304ms ago) saving-timeout: 5s last save timed-out: false last save successful: true save failure count: 0 StorageManager: isUploading now: false last upload request time: Sun Jun 30 00:48.179 2024 (50s 301ms ago) last upload response time: Sun Jun 30 00:48.179 2024 (50s 301ms ago) last upload duration: 0ms min time between uploads: 5000ms last modified time (on server): 2024-06-30T03:48:21.304886Z file last modified: Sun Jun 30 00:48.176 2024 (50s 304ms ago) last upload was successful: true upload failure count: 0 Last StorageAttributes: forced: false user-modified: false auto-save: false exit-save: false extended-data: Current StorageAttributes: forced: false user-modified: false auto-save: false exit-save: false extended-data: Next StorageAttributes: forced: false user-modified: false auto-save: false exit-save: false extended-data: TileCache: num: 23 size: 26428 bytes 47 25 bytes ' nviewid=1000 part=0 width=256 height=256 tileposx=15360 tileposy=7680 tilewidth=3840 tileheight=3840 oldwid=0 wid=47 ver=66 imgsize=26 keyframe 42 25 bytes ' nviewid=1000 part=0 width=256 height=256 tileposx=15360 tileposy=3840 tilewidth=3840 tileheight=3840 oldwid=0 wid=42 ver=61 imgsize=26 keyframe 37 25 bytes ' nviewid=1000 part=0 width=256 height=256 tileposx=15360 tileposy=0 tilewidth=3840 tileheight=3840 oldwid=0 wid=37 ver=56 imgsize=26 keyframe 20 114 bytes ' nviewid=1000 part=0 width=256 height=256 tileposx=11520 tileposy=15360 tilewidth=3840 tileheight=3840 oldwid=0 wid=20 ver=28 imgsize=115 deltas: 0: 20 -> 0 1: 59 -> 114 15 74 bytes ' nviewid=1000 part=0 width=256 height=256 tileposx=7680 tileposy=11520 tilewidth=3840 tileheight=3840 oldwid=0 wid=15 ver=23 imgsize=75 deltas: 0: 15 -> 0 1: 54 -> 74 16 55 bytes ' nviewid=1000 part=0 width=256 height=256 tileposx=11520 tileposy=11520 tilewidth=3840 tileheight=3840 oldwid=0 wid=16 ver=24 imgsize=56 deltas: 0: 16 -> 0 1: 55 -> 55 14 46 bytes ' nviewid=1000 part=0 width=256 height=256 tileposx=3840 tileposy=11520 tilewidth=3840 tileheight=3840 oldwid=0 wid=14 ver=22 imgsize=47 deltas: 0: 14 -> 0 1: 53 -> 46 17 2231 bytes ' nviewid=1000 part=0 width=256 height=256 tileposx=0 tileposy=15360 tilewidth=3840 tileheight=3840 oldwid=0 wid=17 ver=25 imgsize=2232 deltas: 0: 17 -> 0 1: 56 -> 2231 1 10128 bytes ' nviewid=1000 part=0 width=256 height=256 tileposx=3840 tileposy=0 tilewidth=3840 tileheight=3840 oldwid=0 wid=1 ver=2 imgsize=4582 deltas: 0: 1 -> 0 1: 21 -> 4581 2: 30 -> 4581 3: 33 -> 5678 4: 48 -> 5692 5: 62 -> 5692 6: 66 -> 10128 5 58 bytes ' nviewid=1000 part=0 width=256 height=256 tileposx=0 tileposy=3840 tilewidth=3840 tileheight=3840 oldwid=0 wid=5 ver=5 imgsize=59 deltas: 0: 5 -> 0 1: 38 -> 58 18 62 bytes ' nviewid=1000 part=0 width=256 height=256 tileposx=3840 tileposy=15360 tilewidth=3840 tileheight=3840 oldwid=0 wid=18 ver=26 imgsize=63 deltas: 0: 18 -> 0 1: 57 -> 62 3 2745 bytes ' nviewid=1000 part=0 width=256 height=256 tileposx=7680 tileposy=0 tilewidth=3840 tileheight=3840 oldwid=0 wid=3 ver=3 imgsize=2299 deltas: 0: 3 -> 0 1: 50 -> 2298 2: 60 -> 2298 3: 64 -> 2745 7 25 bytes ' nviewid=1000 part=0 width=256 height=256 tileposx=7680 tileposy=3840 tilewidth=3840 tileheight=3840 oldwid=0 wid=7 ver=7 imgsize=26 deltas: 0: 7 -> 0 1: 40 -> 25 9 58 bytes ' nviewid=1000 part=0 width=256 height=256 tileposx=0 tileposy=7680 tilewidth=3840 tileheight=3840 oldwid=0 wid=9 ver=9 imgsize=59 deltas: 0: 9 -> 0 1: 43 -> 58 2 6366 bytes ' nviewid=1000 part=0 width=256 height=256 tileposx=0 tileposy=0 tilewidth=3840 tileheight=3840 oldwid=0 wid=2 ver=1 imgsize=6195 deltas: 0: 2 -> 0 1: 22 -> 6194 2: 29 -> 6194 3: 34 -> 6338 4: 49 -> 6352 5: 61 -> 6352 6: 65 -> 6366 6 25 bytes ' nviewid=1000 part=0 width=256 height=256 tileposx=3840 tileposy=3840 tilewidth=3840 tileheight=3840 oldwid=0 wid=6 ver=6 imgsize=26 deltas: 0: 6 -> 0 1: 39 -> 25 19 2336 bytes ' nviewid=1000 part=0 width=256 height=256 tileposx=7680 tileposy=15360 tilewidth=3840 tileheight=3840 oldwid=0 wid=19 ver=27 imgsize=2337 deltas: 0: 19 -> 0 1: 58 -> 2336 4 133 bytes ' nviewid=1000 part=0 width=256 height=256 tileposx=11520 tileposy=0 tilewidth=3840 tileheight=3840 oldwid=0 wid=4 ver=4 imgsize=134 deltas: 0: 4 -> 0 1: 67 -> 133 8 55 bytes ' nviewid=1000 part=0 width=256 height=256 tileposx=11520 tileposy=3840 tilewidth=3840 tileheight=3840 oldwid=0 wid=8 ver=8 imgsize=56 deltas: 0: 8 -> 0 1: 41 -> 55 10 25 bytes ' nviewid=1000 part=0 width=256 height=256 tileposx=3840 tileposy=7680 tilewidth=3840 tileheight=3840 oldwid=0 wid=10 ver=10 imgsize=26 deltas: 0: 10 -> 0 1: 44 -> 25 11 25 bytes ' nviewid=1000 part=0 width=256 height=256 tileposx=7680 tileposy=7680 tilewidth=3840 tileheight=3840 oldwid=0 wid=11 ver=11 imgsize=26 deltas: 0: 11 -> 0 1: 45 -> 25 13 81 bytes ' nviewid=1000 part=0 width=256 height=256 tileposx=0 tileposy=11520 tilewidth=3840 tileheight=3840 oldwid=0 wid=13 ver=21 imgsize=82 deltas: 0: 13 -> 0 1: 52 -> 81 12 55 bytes ' nviewid=1000 part=0 width=256 height=256 tileposx=11520 tileposy=7680 tilewidth=3840 tileheight=3840 oldwid=0 wid=12 ver=12 imgsize=56 deltas: 0: 12 -> 0 1: 46 -> 55 stream cache: 0 num: 0 size: 0 bytes stream cache: 1 num: 0 size: 0 bytes stream cache: 2 num: 2 size: 32776 bytes .uno:CharFontName 29619 bytes .uno:StyleApply 3157 bytes tiles being rendered 0

SocketPoll: Poll [docbroker_002] with 1 socket - wakeup rfd: 31 wfd: 32 fd events rbuffered wbuffered rtotal wtotal clientaddress 28 0x1 process 0 0 r: 4633 w: 277926 alive 10.262ms

    id: 04c
    name: ToClient-04c
    disconnected: false
    isActive: true
    isCloseFrame: false
    isWritable: true
    isReadOnly: false
    isAllowChangeComments: false
    isEditable: true
    docURL: file%3A%2F%2F%2Farquivos%2FP-ISO-Engine%2FarquivosPaginaEmEdicao%2Fportaliso-demo%2FAFRCPI-ID-3936-formulario.docx
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    our URL (un-trusted):
    isTextDocument: true
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    clip sockets: 0
    proxy access:: 
    clientSelectedMode: 0
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    sent/keystroke: 277926 bytes
    onFlyUpperLimit: 10
    onFlyCount: 0

    queue size 0

Document broker sessions [1], should duplicate the above: id: 04c name: ToClient-04c disconnected: false isActive: true isCloseFrame: false isWritable: true isReadOnly: false isAllowChangeComments: false isEditable: true docURL: file%3A%2F%2F%2Farquivos%2FP-ISO-Engine%2FarquivosPaginaEmEdicao%2Fportaliso-demo%2FAFRCPI-ID-3936-formulario.docx jailedFilePath: docPwd: haveDocPwd: false isDocPwdProtected: false DocOptions: userId: LocalUser1 userName: LocalUser#1 lang: pt-br timezone: America/Fortaleza isLive: true isViewLoaded: true isDocumentOwner: false state: SessionState::LIVE keyEvents: 1 clientSelectedPart: 0 tile size Pixel: 256x256 tile size Twips: 3840x3840 kit ViewId: 4 our URL (un-trusted): isTextDocument: true clipboardKeys[0]: 4f462db521e3d166 clipboardKeys[1]: b426642ab942ec40 clip sockets: 0 proxy access:: clientSelectedMode: 0 requestedTiles: 0 beingRendered: 0 sent/keystroke: 277926 bytes onFlyUpperLimit: 10 onFlyCount: 0

    queue size 0

Converter count: 0

frk-00015-00015 2024-06-30 00:45:25.096879 -0300 [ forkit ] INF Forkit initialization complete: setting log-level to [warning] as configured.| kit/ForKit.cpp:789 kit-00063-00063 2024-06-30 03:49:12.481578 +0000 [ kit_spare_002 ] ERR #24: Kit for DocBroker [] connection lost without exit arriving from wsd. Setting TerminationFlag| kit/KitWebSocket.cpp:193 kit-00048-00048 2024-06-30 00:45:25.138296 -0300 [ kit_spare_001 ] INF New kit client websocket inserted.| kit/Kit.cpp:3370 kit-00048-00048 2024-06-30 00:45:25.138301 -0300 [ kit_spare_001 ] INF Kit initialization complete: setting log-level to [warning] as configured.| kit/Kit.cpp:3375 kit-00048-00048 2024-06-30 03:49:12.481611 +0000 [ kit_spare_001 ] ERR #24: Kit for DocBroker [] connection lost without exit arriving from wsd. Setting TerminationFlag| kit/KitWebSocket.cpp:193 frk-00015-00015 2024-06-30 00:45:25.096879 -0300 [ forkit ] INF Forkit initialization complete: setting log-level to [warning] as configured.| kit/ForKit.cpp:789 kit-00070-00070 2024-06-30 03:49:12.481791 +0000 [ kit_spare_003 ] ERR #24: Kit for DocBroker [] connection lost without exit arriving from wsd. Setting TerminationFlag| kit/KitWebSocket.cpp:193 frk-00015-00015 2024-06-30 00:45:25.096879 -0300 [ forkit ] INF Forkit initialization complete: setting log-level to [warning] as configured.| kit/ForKit.cpp:789 kit-00123-00123 2024-06-30 03:49:12.481938 +0000 [ kit_spare_006 ] ERR #24: Kit for DocBroker [] connection lost without exit arriving from wsd. Setting TerminationFlag| kit/KitWebSocket.cpp:193 frk-00015-00015 2024-06-30 00:49:12.481993 -0300 [ forkit ] ERR #22: ForKit connection lost without exit arriving from wsd. Setting TerminationFlag| kit/ForKit.cpp:194 frk-00015-00015 2024-06-30 00:49:12.492719 -0300 [ forkit ] TST UnitBase [uninit] (+0ms): Uninitializing unit-tests: SUCCESS| common/Unit.cpp:355 frk-00015-00015 2024-06-30 00:49:12.492745 -0300 [ forkit ] TST UnitKit [~UnitBase] (+0ms): UnitKit: ~UnitBase: SUCCESS| common/Unit.cpp:429 wsd-00001-00001 2024-06-30 00:49:12.591845 -0300 [ coolwsd ] WRN #14: Timed out while requesting [GET] after 109ms| net/HttpRequest.hpp:1519 wsd-00001-00001 2024-06-30 00:49:12.592138 -0300 [ coolwsd ] WRN Failed to update the infobar. Got: 0 (Unknown) | wsd/COOLWSD.cpp:4143 wsd-00001-00119 2024-06-30 00:49:13.890215 -0300 [ docbroker_002 ] ERR ToClient-04c: No DocBroker found, or DocBroker marked to be destroyed. Terminating session ToClient-04c| wsd/ClientSession.cpp:366 wsd-00001-00119 2024-06-30 00:49:14.479555 -0300 [ docbroker_002 ] WRN Data loss detected, will quarantine last version of [%2Farquivos%2FP-ISO-Engine%2FarquivosPaginaEmEdicao%2Fportaliso-demo%2FAFRCPI-ID-3936-formulario.docx] if necessary. Quarantine enabled: false, Storage available: true| wsd/DocumentBroker.cpp:710 wsd-00001-00119 2024-06-30 00:49:14.479673 -0300 [ docbroker_002 ] WRN Quarantining the original document file: AFRCPI-ID-3936-formulario.docx| wsd/DocumentBroker.cpp:734 wsd-00001-00001 2024-06-30 00:49:15.185001 -0300 [ coolwsd ] TST UnitBase [uninit] (+2705ms): Uninitializing unit-tests: FAILED| common/Unit.cpp:355 wsd-00001-00001 2024-06-30 00:49:15.185058 -0300 [ coolwsd ] TST UnitWSD [~UnitBase] (+2705ms): UnitWSD: ~UnitBase: FAILED| common/Unit.cpp:429 Forced Exit with code: 70 wsd-00001-00001 2024-06-30 00:49:15.186698 -0300 [ coolwsd ] FTL Forced Exit with code: 70| common/Util.cpp:837

timur-g commented 2 months ago

Reproduced. That is a core regression from 23.05, this is in work now.

timur-g commented 1 month ago

This should be OK in 24.04.5.