CollaboraOnline / richdocumentscode

Built-in CODE Server app
Apache License 2.0
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Built in CODE server not loading #237

Open Jolopu opened 10 months ago

Jolopu commented 10 months ago

I'm on a shared host and have all the latest versions of NC and collabora installed. I'm on PHP 8.2. Since 23.5.102 all versions of collabora server are not loading. When downgrading to 23.5.5 it loads. I don't know what the issue is. Maybe it has something to do with fontconfig. Anyway I will stay on 23..5.5 until a newer version is loading again.

I think this might affect also other users on shared hosts. If any developer is interested in researching this issue, I can provide access to my test server. Just give me an email.


Jolopu commented 9 months ago

I just updated to NC 27.1.1 an richdocumentscode 23.5.402 and the server is loading. Even if nobody commented on this issue, it seems to be resolved now. Thanks a lot!

joshtrichards commented 8 months ago

Hi @Jolopu - Sounds like your matter is resolved. Feel free to close your issue out!

Jolopu commented 8 months ago

Hi @joshtrichards - Unfortunately the matter is not resolved. I have to comment out these lines in proxy.php: if ($return) return 'no_fontconfig'; If I don't the server still wont load in the latest version 23.5.503.

joshtrichards commented 8 months ago

That means the server you're running it on doesn't meet the requirements:

Fontconfig ( - required by Collabora_Online.AppImage)

The fontconfig is required (see #30).

I'm not sure why this would have suddently stopped working in v23.5.102. The requirement (and check) has been in there for many years - since v4.2.404(!). My best guess is that something changed on your shared hosting server (maybe they upgraded the server or migrated servers or something). Suggestions:

This is likely a "won't fix" issue unless you can confirm:

joshtrichards commented 8 months ago

Duplicate of #162

Janoo1606 commented 7 months ago

I have also a problem with the built-in code server. The documents get stuck while loading. But it affects all documents whether in the group folder or in my own directory. And also newly created ones.

Use the extensions: Nextcloud Office with Collabora Online - Built-in CODE Server. It works with the demo server setting, but not with the built-in Collabora Online Development Edition setting.

The protocol says: Failed to generate token for existing file on direct editing

Collabora Online - Built-in CODE Server: 23.5.503 Nextcloud: 27.1.3 Nextcloud Office: 8.2.2

Does somebody has any idea?

timur-g commented 6 months ago

Let us slose ad duplicate. Last post seems out of topic.