Collaborne / paper-search

A Material Design search bar (Polymer)
Apache License 2.0
51 stars 28 forks source link

paper dialog does not show filters #1

Closed cutout33 closed 8 years ago

cutout33 commented 8 years ago


am trying to use the paper-search-dialog in your demo but am unable to, when I click the open button the dialog shows up but without any filters, in the console I get the following error: Uncaught TypeError: this.$ is not a function am unable to install the component throgh bower, I get: bower retry Request to failed with ECONNRESET

Also the component seems to only work on chrome and opera, I tried firefox, safari and edge but it does not show filters too...

ronnyroeller commented 8 years ago

@cutout33 Thanks for the feedback.

Which browser (and browser version) are you using when you see the Uncaught TypeError?

The component is correctly registered and I can also install it without any issues:

$ bower lookup paper-search
paper-search git://

This might help you further:

ronnyroeller commented 8 years ago

@cutout33 Turns out that one of the recent releases of iron-list seem to break it within paper-dialog. We reverted it therefore to dom-repeat. Could you please check if demo works now for you? We created a new release with the fix (version 1.0.20).

cutout33 commented 8 years ago

The demo is working fine on chrome, opera, firefox, safari and edge! I'll get the latest release and try it in my project!

thanks :+1: