Collaborne / paper-search

A Material Design search bar (Polymer)
Apache License 2.0
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paper-filter-dialog not showing more than 500 items! #12

Closed cutout33 closed 7 years ago

cutout33 commented 7 years ago


Thank you for this great component. Am facing a problem with the number of items I can display for a given filter. 500 to be exact. I have a list of 1000+ items that I want to filter on but the filter is showing only 500.

Can you please help me figure out this issue?


ronnyroeller commented 7 years ago

I'm not aware about any such limitation... To look into this, could you please create a reproduction case on jsbin? Please use this template as a starting point,output

cutout33 commented 7 years ago

Hi, Am sorry I don't know how to import your component into jsbin :/ however the following code will only show a list of items from 0-499 even though it has 1000 elements.

        <template is="dom-bind">
            <paper-button raised on-tap="open">Open</paper-button>
            <paper-filter-dialog id="dialog" filters="[[filters]]" selected-filters="{{selectedFilters}}"></paper-filter-dialog>
            Selected filters:

            var long_filters = [];
            for (var i = 0; i < 1000; i++) {
                long_filters[i] = { id : i + "", name : i + "" };
            var scope = document.querySelector("template[is=dom-bind]");
            scope._renderSelectedFilters = function(selectedFilters) {
                return JSON.stringify(selectedFilters);
   = function() {
            scope.selectedFilters = {
                age: [ "teenager", "adult" ],
                gender: [ "male" ]
            scope.filters = [
                    id: "age",
                    name: "Age",
                    values: [
                            id: "child",
                            name: "0-12",
                            count: 29
                            id: "teenager",
                            name: "13-19",
                            count: 8
                            id: "adult",
                            name: "20+",
                            count: 63
                    id: "long_filters",
                    name: "Long filters",
                    values: long_filters

Can you please help me fix this?

ronnyroeller commented 7 years ago

@cutout33 - Many thanks for providing the reproduction case! The issue has been fixed and new release was created.