CollectionBuilder / collectionbuilder-csv

CollectionBuilder-CSV is a "stand alone" template for creating digital collection and exhibit websites using Jekyll and a metadata CSV.
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Multiple images for one object #33

Closed funroompc closed 2 years ago

funroompc commented 2 years ago

How would I go about adding multiple images to a page?

I read something about adding a “compound” column to the metadata sheet but what next?


evanwill commented 2 years ago

@funroompc yes, that isn't a feature that is documented or built in right now--so requires some customization. For reference, a CB-SA issue outlines the potential approaches.

For your case, if you already have a "compound" column with the url to the image in your metadata--> next step is to create a new display_template for your item pages (the basics of CB-CSV item pages are doc-ed in the repo).

evanwill commented 2 years ago

In your new template, you can access the contents of your "compound" column using the Liquid {{ page.compound }}. So if your "compound" column is always just one image url, then your updated image-gallery section might look like:

<div class="spotlight gallery-img" data-download="true" data-src="{{ page.object_location | relative_url }}">
    <img src="{{ page.image_small | relative_url }}" alt="item thumbnail for {{ page.title | escape }}" class="img-fluid">
    <p><small>Click to view full screen</small></p>
{% if page.compound %}
<div class="spotlight gallery-img" data-download="true" data-src="{{ page.compound | relative_url }}">
    <img src="{{ page.compound | relative_url }}" alt="item thumbnail for {{ page.title | escape }}" class="img-fluid">
{% endif %}
evanwill commented 2 years ago

Also worth mentioning: There is a branch of CB-CSV "compound-objects" that was working on implementing a different approach to compound objects, where each additional image is set up on a separate line of the metadata spreadsheet. That one uses a "compound-object" template to handle figuring out the additional objects to add to the item page. So you could take a look at that for other ideas.

funroompc commented 2 years ago

@evanwill Thank you for the fantastic instructions. I was able to do it and it was much easier than expected. For anyone else reading it, here is what I did

  1. Add new columns to the metadata csv file, e.g. image1
  2. Create new template in "_layouts/item/" e.g. multiimage.html. This is a copy of image.html with a reference to item/image-gallery-compound.html instead. For my case, the content of this file is as follows
layout: default
item-meta: true
gallery: true
<div class="container py-3">

    {% include item/breadcrumbs.html %}

    <div class="row">
        <div class="col-md-6">
            <div class="card mb-4 text-center">

                {% include item/image-gallery-compound.html %}

                <div class="my-2">

                    {% include item/download-buttons.html %}



        <div class="col-md-6">

            {% include item/metadata.html %}


    {%- if == true -%}
        {% include item/browse-buttons.html %}
    {%- endif -%}
  1. Create the file "_includes/item/image-gallery-compound.html". Reference the columns in the csv metadata file that you created in step 1. My file looks like this
{% comment %}

    For image items, a zoomable, full screen gallery view is added using Spotlight gallery.
    Ensure dependencies are added by including `gallery: true` in the layout front matter calling this include.

{%- endcomment -%}

{% if page.object_location %}
<div class="spotlight gallery-img" data-download="true" data-src="{{ page.object_location | relative_url }}">
    <img src="{{ page.image_small | relative_url }}" alt="item thumbnail for {{ page.title | escape }}" class="img-fluid">
    <p><small>Click to view full screen</small></p>
{% endif %}

{% if page.image1%}
<div class="spotlight gallery-img" data-download="true" data-src="{{ page.image1| relative_url }}">
    <img src="{{ page.image1| relative_url }}" alt="item thumbnail for {{ page.title | escape }}" class="img-fluid">
{% endif %}

Thats it. You can add more images by adding more columns and more if statements to the image-gallery-compound.html file. I chose to add another column called image_sm that would generate a small image that would then show up in my image-gallery as is done by default.

evanwill commented 2 years ago

That's great @funroompc ! I pasted this content into our main Discussions area so people can find it there too.