CollectionBuilder / collectionbuilder-csv

CollectionBuilder-CSV is a "stand alone" template for creating digital collection and exhibit websites using Jekyll and a metadata CSV.
MIT License
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compound object stuff to do #37

Closed evanwill closed 1 year ago

evanwill commented 1 year ago

metadata and docs:

test with extreme demo metadata:


tech improvements:

jawalsh commented 1 year ago

Perhaps something else for the list…

If one chooses an image from a compound object as the "featured image," the "featured image" link on the homepage is broken because it's generating a URL like (which doesn't exist) rather than (which does exist).

evanwill commented 1 year ago

thanks @jawalsh, that issue is fixed now, if you want to use it right now in your projects, swap out "_plugins/cb_helpers.rb" with the updated version. But heads up, there is a bunch of other pretty critical fixes still rolling out (like the search links were broken!), so might want to wait to update everything once this PR is merged.

dcnb commented 1 year ago

"compound parent items seem like they shouldn't have format or type generally (rather than making up non-standardized value)"

This seems arbitrary -- it's still an item, a record has a format and type. We should keep this convention.

dcnb commented 1 year ago

"check button groups to see if they work/fix reasonably on mobile (they don't wrap, so can look weird or x overflow)"

I checked with extreme circumstances. They break across words and look fine.

evanwill commented 1 year ago

this is merged, closing this. Docs tasks moved to