CollectionBuilder / collectionbuilder-csv

CollectionBuilder-CSV is a "stand alone" template for creating digital collection and exhibit websites using Jekyll and a metadata CSV.
MIT License
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set up cb-csv demo #41

Open evanwill opened 1 year ago

evanwill commented 1 year ago

requires github action, which I don't really want in the main branch of the repository (because it causes weird issues from people copying it). So probably need to set up a separate demo project repository?

maehr commented 1 year ago

I would try to keep it in one repo. I have really good experiences with GH actions that deploy to a separate branch (probably also as gh-page). A quick fix could be Cloudflare Pages, Vercel et. al.

evanwill commented 1 year ago

@maehr as far as I know, gh action workflows (i.e. the yml file ".github/workflows/example.yml") have to be in the default branch to run (even if they are using other branches)? That has tended to cause issues and confusion when people make a copy with "use this template", since they end up with an action running in their own repo that results in a broken site or build errors (because it isn't configured correctly for their repo). The third party build option from a demo-site branch might be best option. We have mostly used Render, but could check out the other services too.

maehr commented 1 year ago

I agree with you. The third party option is the cleanest and simplest solution. Alternatively, you could create a GH Action.github/workflows/demosite.yaml that only runs on the demosite-branch

      - demosite


The YAML file is still visible, but it does not trigger Actions when you use the repo as a template.