CollegeDev / DonkeyGuard

The ultimate Security Manager
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Drawing power menu over permission prompt #43

Closed ghost closed 9 years ago

ghost commented 9 years ago

Could this be done? I take screenshots via the power menu, but DG draws on top of anything? Preferably implemented via an option for the application.

Kind Regards TwinAdk

ghost commented 9 years ago

Just noticed the other day that DG draws on top of the locksceeen.. I'm like wow, doesn't that require permissions or is that part of the 'draw above EVERYTHING policy'? :-)

Just curious..


CollegeDev commented 9 years ago

You already mentioned it. It is just a part of the "draw above EVERYTHING policy". I need to take a look at the android framework to find out if your request is technically feasible.

But please note: Drawing the dialog at a lower level of the view hierarchy may causes that malicious applications can simply draw their dialogs above the prompt dialog of DG.

ghost commented 9 years ago

Very well, i can accept a solution that is to map a hardware button to screenshots, should i need to screenshot DG. I do not wish to lower the functionality of DG.