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Does Social Sensitivity Impact Virtual Teams (2019) #21

Open amoralesg001 opened 4 years ago

amoralesg001 commented 4 years ago

I found this article a good resource to look at a new perspective in social sensitivity for virtual teams. This study looks at whether social sensitivity has the same impact on virtual teams as it does with face-to-face teams. Their results found that teams with higher social sensitivity, communicate more and perform better even in text-based styles of communication.

This study relates to #2 on Collective Intelligence since Wooley's (#2 ) article research found that "Teams with higher levels of SS (social sensitivity) perform better than teams with lower SS". I never really thought of the idea on the ability to detect social sensitivity on text-based communication, but it is something that can be done and their are people who have higher levels of detecting those textual cues than others. These results indicate that its important for members to have soft skills in collaboration -- whether its face-to-face or virtual. So the ability to understand the intent of ones message is crucial team collaboration. Higher levels of SS can help increase those interpretations of messages from the group.

Another point this paper makes that I felt that related to Wooley's study, was that "an individual's SS level does not have an impact on how much they personally communicate -- they are not directly responsible for the higher quantity of communication by posting more chats. But instead, they appear to be indirectly responsible, perhaps by encouraging others to communicate more thus getting a greater diversity of ideas and input which, in turn, results in higher performance." This relates to collective intelligence with the idea that there is a group level of collective intelligence. But in this case, it appears their is a group level of SS.

This study also highlights one of the challenges faced with virtual communication, and it is that replies are not always instant which can make it more difficult to reach a decision. Not being able to hear the voice of others as well can cause problems since it makes it more difficult to hear ones emotion in their voice. Were they passionate on what they messaged about? was it more of a joke? was it serious? The results of this study gives hope in having members with high social sensitivity to mitigate that.

One of the things that surprised me was the simple use of emojis. The article states: "when analyzing the post-survey we found that many of the identified leaders reported using open-ended questions and encouraging emojis to foster more communication than others." I feel like this supports the idea of having simple technologies, such as emojis, to foster more communication and making team members feel more comfortable. Who knows how advanced emojis will become in the future when dealing with communication !