Collegeville / VirtualTeams

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Managing Globally Distributed Software Development Projects Using Virtual Teams (2015) #22

Open amoralesg001 opened 4 years ago

amoralesg001 commented 4 years ago

This study relates to #1 since it deals with creating more cultural awareness in order to improve virtual teams. However, some differences with this article, is that it looks at how culture and religion affects software development virtual teams in the Middle East.

One of the challenges faced is that it can become difficult for cultures to work together due to differences in how work should be done, their point of views, and ways of scheduling. However, the results in this study show that increasing cultural awareness can reduce cultural clashes and can help to avoid communication breakdown. Or, as the article states, "Evidence that emerged from this research indicated that management needs to be aware of the impact of cultural differences on the operation of the software team. Management needs to implement practices that promote global-cultural awareness and develop a global mind-set. This ought to assist in providing for a conducive working atmosphere in which virtual teams view themselves as a part of a global team. For example, one project manager based in Abu Dhabi explained (case 3):“We want everyone here to be aware of the Hindi culture, and everyone in India to be aware of the Muslim culture. Our aim is to develop one culture that is acceptable to everyone... The interviewees acknowledged that if team members are aware of each other’s national culture and values, it will help them to appreciate and interpret the remote team’s behavior." Forms of religious awareness can also help to understand the behaviors of others. For example, one of there respondents stated that they "now avoid scheduling our meeting during prayer times so that our Muslim colleagues can attend". If this form of awareness was not discovered, team members would have been frustrated with one another since they would not have understood why some members didn't come to the meeting.

Another tip to help with collaboration, was the use of having common vocabulary. Interviewees felt that it helped to build a shared understanding of terms that will be used during the conversation. They also saw that organizing the teams communication plan is vital for effective communication. Factors such as, "Official language to be used, how teams progress is communicated to team members, trainings that is needed for team members to effectively use the communication technology, what communication technology to use, when to use synchronous communication technology and when to use asynchronous communication technology" would be beneficial things to talk about as a team in order to have a shared understanding on how to communicate. I also believe these forms of information should be easily accessible to members of the team (especially new members) if they forget. As well as having continuous check up's with their team members to see if the communication plan is working.