Collegeville / VirtualTeams

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Inclusive and Engaged HCI (2020) #31

Open amoralesg001 opened 4 years ago

amoralesg001 commented 4 years ago

I found this article extremely interesting. In short, the science and research that contributes to greater society, should be accessible and relevant to everyone -- not just the majority. As different people, or teams contribute to solving real-world problems, it is important for everyone to be included in the solution. A good statement in this article that reflects this states, “We increasingly see that service and connection are not enough. We must instead seek true engagement and partnership with the communities we aim to serve. Feasible solutions to real-world problems require intense, often messy, engagement with the people and problems that lie at the heart of these projects.”

Lately, I have found these types of articles on creating technologies that benefit and are inclusive to everyone interesting.

@elaineraybourn I think you would enjoy this article.