Collegeville / VirtualTeams

This repo is for collecting and synthesizing content and artifacts that help us understand and improve virtual teams.
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Line Up #49

Open amoralesg001 opened 3 years ago

amoralesg001 commented 3 years ago

Line Up

Materials / Preparation / Technology Required

A shared word document and a videoconferencing tool


  1. Have a numbered list in the shared document with the same size as the number of people in the group.

  2. Make the group find ways to organize themselves. For example, to "Line-up" by height, birthday, the last place you remember falling asleep in a setting you probably should have not done so in, alphabetically by city of birth, etc.

  1. Discuss with your group on what was easy, hard and reflect on how they can use those types of tools to work virtually.

    How it can help your team