Collegeville / VirtualTeams

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Four-Word Snapshot #50

Open amoralesg001 opened 3 years ago

amoralesg001 commented 3 years ago

Four-Work Snapshot

Materials / Preparation / Technology Required

Shared document and a videoconferencing platform


  1. have the team reflect on how they are feeling -- what is making them happy at the moment, what is making them stressed, etc. Have those team members capture those feelings in four words.
  2. Open up a shared document to capture each team members four-word summary.
  1. Review each members four word snapshot. Have conversations based on those answered. For instance, if it seems like each team member is stressed, it would be wise to take a moment to address the topic before the meeting starts.

How it can help your team

This can help to get a quick observation on how the team is feeling. If they are all feeling motivated, take advantage of that momentum during the meeting. It is also a good way for team members to build relationships with one another and understand different situations team members are facing.