Collegeville / VirtualTeams

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Support Workplace Detachment and Reattachment with Conversational Intelligence #58

Open amoralesg001 opened 3 years ago

amoralesg001 commented 3 years ago

Support Workplace Detachment and Reattachment with Conversational Intelligence (2018)

This study looks at the benefits technologies (in this case, it is SwitchBot) can have in the workplace to create detachment and reattachment from work. They look at the effect SwitchBot has on workers. SwitchBot converses with workers to help them detach and reattach with their work at the beginning and end of each work day by looking at both task-centric and emotion-centric conversations to support those workers. Results showed that participants felt more productive and engaged during the first hour of work. Also, the participants amount of after-hour work emails decreased with the use of SwitchBot image


SwitchBot had the ability to initiate emotion-centric and task-centric conversation. Their research observed that emotion-centric was seen as most effective compared to task-centric conversation. However, task-centric was seen as the most affective when workers reattached from work at the start of the day. These findings are important because detachment from work can lead to overall worker well-being and life satisfaction which can help to improve productivity. Since most of work has become virtual during the pandemic it becomes important to find ways to separate work and home life. SwitchBot could be one of the avenues to help distinguish home and work life.

Key Points