Sometimes we conduct sessions related to engineering practices and concept in CodeTrek which are given by CodeTrek candidates and sometimes ColoredCow employees. For CodeTrek Candidates as this data related to their presented sessions is something that can help in their evalutaion, so we want a functionality to store the presentration data like date, topic and, presentation link and additional information in portal.
The data should be stored in the database which enables efficient retrieval and management of candidate of this data.
To display the presentation details, a "Sessions" button should be included on the CodeTrek index page.
When the "Sessions" button on the current CodeTrek page is clicked, a new page should be opened to display the presentation details of that candidate in a well-organized format.
The new page should display sessions data in descending order of their date
[x] Create a table in database and define its structure. 1-2 Hours
[x] Define relationship between codetrek_applicant_sessions table and codetrek_applicant table. 1-2 Hours
[x] Create a route. 0-1 Hour
[x] Define Controller and define function for each task like adding new data, edit, and delete the data. 2-3 Hours
Description Sometimes we conduct sessions related to engineering practices and concept in CodeTrek which are given by CodeTrek candidates and sometimes ColoredCow employees. For CodeTrek Candidates as this data related to their presented sessions is something that can help in their evalutaion, so we want a functionality to store the presentration data like date, topic and, presentation link and additional information in portal.
The data should be stored in the database which enables efficient retrieval and management of candidate of this data.
1-2 Hours
1-2 Hours
0-1 Hour
2-3 Hours
0-1 Hour
2-3 Hour
0-1 Hour
1-2 Hours
1-2 Hours
0-1 Hours
1-2 Hours
Total Time : 20-21 Hours
Additional context I have developed a database schema and design for session page using Google Slides. Here is the link :