ColoredCow / wordpress-bootcamp-2020

Bootcamp on WordPress as part of CodeTrek 2020
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Day 4 - Version controlling and full-blown theme #4

Open pokhiii opened 4 years ago

pokhiii commented 4 years ago

Version control


If you liked git or would want to dig further, here is a tutorial that I found helpful:

Theme completion

Read about these files:

Your site should have at least the following the pages

Sam23599 commented 4 years ago

Version control

Push your code to GitHub

Theme completion

Your site should have at least the following the pages

Below is the link to the repositories that I've created

gaurish-saini commented 4 years ago

Version control

Below is the link to the repositories that I've created

bj293 commented 4 years ago
Version control

Below is the link to the repositories that I've created

gangwar4adarsh commented 4 years ago

Theme completion

Your site should have at least the following the pages

junaid1010 commented 4 years ago

Theme completion

Your site should have at least the following the pages

Below is the link to the repositories that I've created

abhinav80066 commented 4 years ago

Version control

Theme completion

Your site should have at least the following the pages

Below is the link to the repositories that I've created

Riya2903 commented 4 years ago

version control

Theme completion

Your site should have at least the following the pages

Below is the link to the repositories that I've created

pokhiii commented 4 years ago

We are going to add support for the following thing in the theme:

  1. Post thumbnails
  2. Three navigation menus
  3. Site logo

  1. Site logo
  2. Post thumbnail
  3. Navigation menus
swati999-bhatt commented 4 years ago

Version control

Theme completion

Your site should have at least the following the pages

Below is the link to the repositories that I've created

sapna0622 commented 4 years ago

Your site should have at least the following the pages

pokhiii commented 4 years ago

Styling the navigation bar

Structuring your site

Enqueuing your style( and scripts)


ghost commented 4 years ago

Version control

aman-coder commented 4 years ago

Version control