Colorfulstan / LeagueJS

A Javascript Wrapper for the League of Legends API
MIT License
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Adding getLeagueEntriesForSummonerId API to return league entries on v4 endpoint #21

Closed patrickshuff closed 4 years ago

patrickshuff commented 4 years ago

The LeagueJS framework is missing an endpoint that allows to pull all league entries for a given SummonerId. This adds the new API call.

Documentation on this endpoint here: Screenshot 2019-12-04 17 04 41

Testing endpoint

const LeagueJS = require("./lib/LeagueJS");

const leagueJs = new LeagueJS(process.env.RIOT_API_KEY, {PLATFORM_ID: 'na1'});

leagueJs.Summoner.gettingByName('KindL').then(data => {
      .then(results => {
        console.log('Here are the results:');


% node test.js
setting storageRoot to /Users/shuff/projects/LeagueJS-fork/StaticDataDefaultRoot
{ id: 'APnO0hWLWAYW4m-Dke8iwv1_l1lqK7KR7KQ7nYfYLFzDW3M',
  accountId: 'l6GMEWL69rlQ9ko2vWjjcMtW5JC2gViOOMbyyOoRbBYoSR4',
  name: 'Kindl',
  profileIconId: 4219,
  revisionDate: 1575153110000,
  summonerLevel: 92 }
Here are the results:
[ { leagueId: '5d84c0e0-21b1-11e9-828d-c81f66dbb56c',
    queueType: 'RANKED_SOLO_5x5',
    tier: 'SILVER',
    rank: 'III',
    summonerId: 'APnO0hWLWAYW4m-Dke8iwv1_l1lqK7KR7KQ7nYfYLFzDW3M',
    summonerName: 'Kindl',
    leaguePoints: 100,
    wins: 29,
    losses: 27,
    veteran: false,
    inactive: false,
    freshBlood: false,
    hotStreak: false,
    miniSeries: { target: 2, wins: 1, losses: 0, progress: 'WNN' } },
  { leagueId: 'd1465910-9b9d-11e9-8251-c81f66dbb56c',
    queueType: 'RANKED_FLEX_SR',
    tier: 'SILVER',
    rank: 'IV',
    summonerId: 'APnO0hWLWAYW4m-Dke8iwv1_l1lqK7KR7KQ7nYfYLFzDW3M',
    summonerName: 'Kindl',
    leaguePoints: 34,
    wins: 24,
    losses: 25,
    veteran: false,
    inactive: false,
    freshBlood: false,
    hotStreak: false } ]
Colorfulstan commented 4 years ago


Colorfulstan commented 4 years ago

It was actually on the npm release 2.1.0 but not merged to master. Ill keep your method as alias and release 2.1.1. The other method is leagueJs.League.gettingEntriesForSummonerId(