Closed ghost closed 9 years ago
This issue has to do with the WYSIWYG plugin in the dashboard. There is a solution but it will be implemented with AdminLTE 2.0 which addresses many other major issues too. Thanks for reminding me!
Thanks. Can you give me solution? I don't use WYSIWYG editor.
Hello @aghict What he is trying to say is that you should download the latest version of AdminLte and that problem will be solved. Kindly go to this adress
Click on it to download the latest version that may solve ur problem
This issue has not been solved in 2.0 yet. The only realse of AdminLTE 2.0 is in its alpha stage and should not be used in production. I will inform you when this issue is solved and its solution is available.
Because you don't use it, you can try to remove the editor js script link and code from the page
I make RTL theme in version 1.0 and now I don't what to change my theme.
Fixed in 2.0.
in dashboard.js:
remove .disableSelection()
from .sortable elements (lines 23 and 31).
Final code from line 11 to 31:
//Activate the iCheck Plugin
checkboxClass: 'icheckbox_flat-blue',
radioClass: 'iradio_flat-blue'
//Make the dashboard widgets sortable Using jquery UI
placeholder: "sort-highlight",
connectWith: ".connectedSortable",
handle: ".box-header, .nav-tabs",
forcePlaceholderSize: true,
zIndex: 999999
$(".connectedSortable .box-header, .connectedSortable .nav-tabs-custom").css("cursor", "move");
//jQuery UI sortable for the todo list
placeholder: "sort-highlight",
handle: ".handle",
forcePlaceholderSize: true,
zIndex: 999999
We appreciate your patience.
Hello, While we have demo.js and app.js any tag of