ColorlibHQ / AdminLTE

AdminLTE - Free admin dashboard template based on Bootstrap 5
MIT License
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[RELEASE] AdminLTE v4 beta2 #3692

Open danny007in opened 3 years ago

danny007in commented 3 years ago

(Beta)-Release is online, you can install it with npm install admin-lte@next or npm install admin-lte@4.0.0-beta2.



Install npm i for this you need Node,js

to build npm run production

to run npm run dev then open go to http://localhost:3000/

then give some idea, or contribute 👍🏼

douglas-88 commented 2 years ago

Check and compile / run -> command are npm i gulp-cli -g & npm i & gulp then give some idea, or contribute 👍🏼

@danny007in Hi, is there any forecast when the official version of AdminLTe with Bootstrap 5 will be released?

Grateful for the attention.

MojtabaFaal commented 2 years ago

Hello The year 2022 has arrived happy New Year 7 months and 20 days have passed since the creation of #3692 Will version 4 be released in 2022? Is there any work on this project?

J-Brk commented 2 years ago

Any update on this?

MGatner commented 2 years ago

The only estimate I have seen is from the Discord that a project intending to launch by April 2022 should start development using version 4.

eerison commented 2 years ago

maybe someone could list the steps/issues that are missing.

bhojkamal commented 2 years ago

Is v4.0.0 coming in soon end of this march or in April?

eerison commented 2 years ago

Hey @bhojkamal , there is a milestone for the version 4.0;

I guess it depends how much support the project get!

maxrizwork commented 2 years ago

Any news on v4 release?

realZhangChi commented 2 years ago

Any news on v4 release?

llgoer commented 2 years ago

Any news on v4 release?

Q8hma commented 2 years ago

Hello any one knows when v4 will be released ?


maxrizwork commented 2 years ago

You should say something on this topic because a lot of people, me included, would like to plan something with ver4. It's enough to know "yes we will do it, one day" or "no, we don't have time and timeline on it". With this information we can decide if it's worth to wait or not.

By the way, thanks for your beautiful template!

bhojkamal commented 2 years ago

Hello, any progress for the release date for admin lte 4?

craph commented 2 years ago

Hello @danny007in , @REJack ,

Can you give us any updates / progress about the release of AdminLTE v4 ? How can we help you to progress ?

Thank you very much. Best regards,

eerison commented 2 years ago

Hello @danny007in , @REJack ,

Can you give us any updates / progress about the release of AdminLTE v4 ? How can we help you to progress ?

Thank you very much. Best regards,

Hey @craph maybe you can check here: and see if you can help somehow :)

craph commented 2 years ago

Hello @danny007in , @REJack , Can you give us any updates / progress about the release of AdminLTE v4 ? How can we help you to progress ? Thank you very much. Best regards,

Hey @craph maybe you can check here: and see if you can help somehow :)

I have already check and ask so many questions in different issues but without any answers to my questions to help. Moreover it looks like there are no activity there from a long time.

eerison commented 2 years ago

Hello @danny007in , @REJack , Can you give us any updates / progress about the release of AdminLTE v4 ? How can we help you to progress ? Thank you very much. Best regards,

Hey @craph maybe you can check here: and see if you can help somehow :)

I have already check and ask so many questions in different issues but without any answers to my questions to help. Moreover it looks like there are no activity there from a long time.

hmmm if you asked in different issues and you didn't get any answer, then is it still maintained?

I saw that, the last commit merged into the master was 6 May.

Screenshot 2022-06-21 at 12 23 02

well we need to wait for some @REJack answer, to confirm if this package is:

craph commented 2 years ago

What do you mean by sponsor ?

eerison commented 2 years ago

What do you mean by sponsor ?

Sponsor their job

Note: but I'm just guessing :D

MGatner commented 2 years ago

The last update I saw from REJack was May 10 in the Discord:

it looks like the basic components are ready for v4 and that we can release an alpha, then only the sample component pieces have to be made

craph commented 2 years ago

The last update I saw from REJack was May 10 in the Discord:

it looks like the basic components are ready for v4 and that we can release an alpha, then only the sample component pieces have to be made

I just open a discussion about creating a first release with only the upgrade of bootstrap and then plan other releases to add new features :

Where can I find the discord link ?

eerison commented 2 years ago

The last update I saw from REJack was May 10 in the Discord:

it looks like the basic components are ready for v4 and that we can release an alpha, then only the sample component pieces have to be made

after 6 May I just saw bot commits:

anyway 4 days doesn't do too much difference :)

MGatner commented 2 years ago

Where can I find the discord link ?

burdittw commented 2 years ago

I added a PR for the FullScreen mode a few days ago, so that is hanging out there. I have gone through the list of milestones, but to be honest as far as a first release goes, most are questions on wanting something new to replace some widget or something. IMHO the pages provided are just to give you an idea. If you ask hey can you add "x" as a feature and give a link to what you want, I have to ask why are you asking for this? As a developer if you want different widgets, go and make some...and when you do then come back here and give the suggestion. I am not saying don't ask for things as that can make the product as a whole better but changing a widget should not be holding up the first release. I am adding this version to my new app, because I want to go total BS5 and no jQuery if I can do it. But I ran into a lot of BS4 and BS5 mingled together that was causing me issues, so I had to say BS5 or it's a no-go. I have been working on getting the control-sidebar working and have it all together except the JavaScript to place it in the right position on scroll using fixed-header, fixed-footer, not fixed anything, or fixed both. Thats where is gets a little messy. @danny007in responded to my bug issues on Jun 5 so not too long ago. Looks like some are still active in the project. It would be nide to know if it is going to continue or is AdminLTE v4 dead? I don't want to waste time on a dead/abandoned project.

craph commented 2 years ago

Hi @REJack , @puikinsh ,

Is it possible to have an update ?

Thank you very much.

MGatner commented 2 years ago

Thanks for the summary @burdittw! I'm in mostly your same boat. Last time I dug in here I ran into three main issues:

  1. Mixed BS4 & BS5, as you noted.
  2. DataTables was still the default table implementation which made it impossible to drop JQuery. I've been working on List.JS but would like to see an official AdminLTE table solution.
  3. The mix of CDN and asset bundling make it hard to create a template. I think ultimately this would be solved by Webpack or whatever but at that time it made packages difficult to work with.

I'd love to hear your feedback on 2 & 3 with your more recent experience here.

lenamtl commented 2 years ago


I may be wrong but I think that this is because they want to drop jQuery that this is taking time.

Of course that all depend of the needs and what the existing application use.

For now I will continue to use jQuery because I have a lot of code that use it and this would take too much time to udpate and find replacement.

I use a lot of Datatables (+60 tables) and honestly I don't know any other free script that has many features and great support. I also use some other script like Select2, so I cannot drop jQuery for now and I'm not sure I will in short term.

I think updating the template would be the first step then later I will check to see if I drop jQuery or not.

Here are my options to update the template to BS5 I'm still using BS3 old AdminLte, I'm not decided yet which solution to use

burdittw commented 2 years ago


2) You are correct that as long as is used then jQuery will need to be part of the package if used. You could flip to a BS5 table, but you will lose a lot of functionality. I looked for alternatives and there does not seem to be one at this time. There were some forks that are working on it, but none completed that I could fine. I have been looking at other JS libraries as well for other components to make sure there is a BS5 and no jQuery versions and there are for some items. It will really be a choice of the developer if they want to move off the jQuery versions or still use them. As far as this project goes, I think the core needs to be no jQuery and then widgets and other parts can use it for examples but make notes of it so the user will know that jQuery is not included in AdminLTE 4.

3) Not 100% sure on this one as I do not use these in my projects, but I did research it about a week ago and found that webpack is the preferred way over gulp now to build/package a project. They seem to be different in what and how they work. The owners will need to make a choice of which way to go. I read in one of the questions that this was asked, why not use webpack.

In the end I think most people will be adding a link to jQuery just because of The owner of says they are not really inclined to move off of it as it would require a lot of vanilla JS to do that, and it would drop a lot of users that still support IE (really, REALLY). Unless someone else develops a new version of this, I guess jQuery will live on.

AdminLTE is my goto for an admin template. I have been looking at the other ones out there and they just have things here and there I do not like. I am surprised and how many act like AdminLTE and do the same things, but they all put them as Pro editions and want money for them. I am pretty sure some of them are forks of AdminLTE. I am including this build of AdminLTE into my new project and will work through the kinks as I hit them or not. I hope this project picks up some momentum and gets a release and some love it deserves. It would be great if the community that uses it added some code to fix and/or add to the project to get it released faster.

mschoettle commented 2 years ago
  1. You are correct that as long as is used then jQuery will need to be part of the package if used. You could flip to a BS5 table, but you will lose a lot of functionality. I looked for alternatives and there does not seem to be one at this time.

You could give Bootstrap Table ( a try. I used it in a project over Datatables and really liked it. Depends on what you need though but it has a lot of features.

burdittw commented 2 years ago

Edit: After taking the time to play with this table it will not work as it uses jQuery to work as well. So still no non-jQuery table.

@mschoettle thanks for the link! I did not see this one, funny how search engines work. This one looks very promising as a replacement. I think the basic functions of search, sort, filter, and pagination will cover most users and they seem to cover those. They show a lot more as well. This should be a real contender for replacement of in the project.

Has anyone else used this table in a project with any feedback?

eerison commented 2 years ago


  1. You are correct that as long as is used then jQuery will need to be part of the package if used. You could flip to a BS5 table, but you will lose a lot of functionality. I looked for alternatives and there does not seem to be one at this time. There were some forks that are working on it, but none completed that I could fine. I have been looking at other JS libraries as well for other components to make sure there is a BS5 and no jQuery versions and there are for some items. It will really be a choice of the developer if they want to move off the jQuery versions or still use them. As far as this project goes, I think the core needs to be no jQuery and then widgets and other parts can use it for examples but make notes of it so the user will know that jQuery is not included in AdminLTE 4.
  2. Not 100% sure on this one as I do not use these in my projects, but I did research it about a week ago and found that webpack is the preferred way over gulp now to build/package a project. They seem to be different in what and how they work. The owners will need to make a choice of which way to go. I read in one of the questions that this was asked, why not use webpack.

In the end I think most people will be adding a link to jQuery just because of The owner of says they are not really inclined to move off of it as it would require a lot of vanilla JS to do that, and it would drop a lot of users that still support IE (really, REALLY). Unless someone else develops a new version of this, I guess jQuery will live on.

AdminLTE is my goto for an admin template. I have been looking at the other ones out there and they just have things here and there I do not like. I am surprised and how many act like AdminLTE and do the same things, but they all put them as Pro editions and want money for them. I am pretty sure some of them are forks of AdminLTE. I am including this build of AdminLTE into my new project and will work through the kinks as I hit them or not. I hope this project picks up some momentum and gets a release and some love it deserves. It would be great if the community that uses it added some code to fix and/or add to the project to get it released faster.

Well if it'll be a huge work to make this be part the next major, IMO we should drop this, otherwise we never will upgrade to BS5 and future versions.

burdittw commented 2 years ago
  1. You are correct that as long as is used then jQuery will need to be part of the package if used. You could flip to a BS5 table, but you will lose a lot of functionality. I looked for alternatives and there does not seem to be one at this time.

You could give Bootstrap Table ( a try. I used it in a project over Datatables and really liked it. Depends on what you need though but it has a lot of features.

This will not work as it relies on jQuery as well. I just spent some time trying to implement it into my project to find out it is more of the same.

burdittw commented 2 years ago

I am trying to figure out this one. It is supposed to be a version of converted to plain vanilla JavaScript. The way he is distributing it is weird, but I have it working in AdminLTE 4 right now, the input elements are all getting a dark background for some reason that I have not figured out yet.

Here is the link in case anyone wants to check it out and heck maybe even add it to this project.

MGatner commented 2 years ago

@burdittw nice find! I will play around with it. As I mentioned I've been working with List.JS, but it has a very different approach and isn't intended to be 1:1 replacement for DataTables.

It would be great if the community that uses it added some code to fix and/or add to the project to get it released faster.

There have been many offers to help over the last 1.5 years (myself included) but it is difficult to plug in because of lack of directive. Lots of decisions need to be made and the maintainers aren't very communicative. As an OSS maintainer myself I definitely understand the pull on time and split efforts, but just know: it hasn't been for lack of community interest.

burdittw commented 2 years ago

@MGatner , sorry if that came off the wrong was just a statement that if we all pitch in then maybe we can get a release sooner than later. I hear you and it is hard to know what to do if you do know the big picture of the project. Some answers have to be given or we could take the project on to a path no one wants or can use the way intended. Hopefully all the comments that have been generated in the last few days get the attention of the owners! 😄

lenamtl commented 2 years ago

If we need jQuery we can just add it like any other plugins. To my opinion Adminlte is a template and should not be bloated by tons of plugins. What I think we need is menu options, footer options and page layout and a few lite plugins like gototop things like that are ok. That should be enough to start.

ghost commented 2 years ago

when is adminlte version 4 comming out!!

bhojkamal commented 2 years ago

If we need jQuery we can just add it like any other plugins. To my opinion Adminlte is a template and should not be bloated by tons of plugins. What I think we need is menu options, footer options and page layout and a few lite plugins like gototop things like that are ok. That should be enough to start.

Yes, extra plugins can be added when need by the developer as per their projects. For example, I do not need jquery plugins, as I'm using vue.js or reacts. so, it has own datatable.

bhojkamal commented 2 years ago

@danny007in - Did you mean Bootstrap v5.3.0 or v5.2.0 ? BS v5.3.0 still far away to come, now is v5.2.0 in Beta state. Did you mean to say v5.2.0 stable release?

danny007in commented 2 years ago

@danny007in - Did you mean Bootstrap v5.3.0 or v5.2.0 ? BS v5.3.0 still far away to come, now is v5.2.0 in Beta state. Did you mean to say v5.2.0 stable release?

Please Check

bhojkamal commented 2 years ago

@danny007in - Did you mean Bootstrap v5.3.0 or v5.2.0 ? BS v5.3.0 still far away to come, now is v5.2.0 in Beta state. Did you mean to say v5.2.0 stable release?

Please Check #3692 (comment) So it will take few months for admin lte v4 to release.

burdittw commented 2 years ago

Since this project seems to be put on hold and I need a Bootstrap 5 admin template, I decided to get this one to work better. I have spent quite a few hours learning this project and SCSS, TS, Bootstrap 5.1, 5.2, and 5.3. After all of that I have massive changes to the project on my fork. Mine is not an official build and may never be used, but I needed it working now. Here is the link to my fork:

Fork burdittw/AdminLTE/v4-dev-2725-scss has been posted with many changes and fixes.

1) NEW - Data attribute "data-sidebar-position" has been added to the body tag to allow you to have the sidebar on the left or right side. This may need more work but I threw it in when reworking the resize issue. 2) NEW – "Call To Attention" (CTA) button added to the end of the sidebar with one CSS class. This is more of a way to show you how since I saw it on so many different admin templates.

1) FIXED - Configured the build of the SCSS files to how Bootstrap 5 says on how to include them in your project. 2) FIXED - Sidebar will remember your settings when you resize it.

1) CHANGED - Removed the meta tag "color scheme" as the browser uses it to try and make a site light or dark, and was causing issues with coloring of controls. The data attribute "data-theme" has been added to the HTML tag to work with Bootstrap 5.3 themes. 2) CHANGED - Removed the body tag class of ".layout-fixed" and replaced it with the data attribute "data-layout". 3) CHANGED - SCSS classes and TS files for the sidebar have been revamped to rely more on CSS to style it and use less JavaScript making it more customizable. Now that more of it is in the CSS you can modify how things display without having to try and figure out all the TS scripts. Some SCSS files had to be consolidated to make them children of classes for layout and position attributes. 4) CHANGED - In order to allow the SCSS for the sidebar transitions to control the rest of the page, (i.e. header, content, and footer), I had to move the sidebar to the top above the header menu. I also got rid of the aside tag and just made it a nav now as it really is for navigation and not just a pop out sidebar like the control bar that still needs to be ported over.

burdittw commented 2 years ago

When I went to integrate the new code into my work project, I realized the theming was broke. So, after tinkering with it for a while, I gave up on the current implementation of the dark theme.

Say hello to the implementation of Bootstrap 5.3 alpha! That's right, I manually pulled the current PR candidate of 5.3 dark theme and switch AdminLTE over to it. This is a work in progress and a first run at it. But I think I got everything that was in the current v4 working correctly in my branch. I also made it easy for you to test it out, by adding a toggle switch in the main header on the left side. You can toggle between themes and your setting is stored in the browser's local storage, so that it remembers it with every page load.

Once again this is NOT the official AdminLTE and just my changes to get it to work for me and my work project. I am posting it so others can use it as is or change it if they need to like me!

Compiled version can be found in the dist folder on this branch:

Fork burdittw/AdminLTE/v4-dev-2725-scss has been updated tonight with the migration to Bootstrap 5.3 alpha? theme code.


burdittw commented 2 years ago

Well after another couple of days of working on this I think I have now figured out the way the new theming will work in Bootstrap 5.3. By working this out I was able to modify all the parts in the v4-dev branch into my build. The following items have been converted to the color theme that this project initially provided:

I also fixed the white flashing when loading the page then applying the dark theme. May not be the best approach and am open to suggestions. But there needs to be a preprocessor on the page load, and this was a solution I found out in the inter-webs. 😜 Hopefully this gets the official new version of AdminLTE v4 off to a good start. Hope you all enjoy it and hopefully this is my last update on it for a while, as I need to get back to my work project lol

komandar commented 2 years ago

Thank you for your work, @burdittw. I am also one of the many who are surely waiting for an update of AdminLTE. Maybe it would be a good idea if you could submit your changes as a PR in the AdminLTE project so they can be incorporated into the main project?

hamzaelmaghari commented 2 years ago

If there are any improvements, please release the beta version.

hendrikbez commented 1 year ago

When can we get new version with bootstrap 5.

Where can I get help with a page (php) that does not open

burdittw commented 1 year ago

@hendrikbez it will not be released until after Bootstrap 5.3 is released as they want to incorporate the new Bootstrap theming that is coming in 5.3. As far as php goes sorry I do not play in it to suggest or help you with it. Maybe someone else on here can help with that.

burdittw commented 1 year ago

I am not sure who here is really monitoring what is happening with Bootstrap 5.3, but a lot of work has been done and the latest 5.2 was merged into the dark mode branch just the other night. I think we may be getting close to at least an alpha/beta test run soon. There have been a lot of posts going on about it the last week or so. I am getting excited for this new update and have been working with the 5.3 WIP (work-in-progress) versions. I think a lot of people will be happy with the theme implementation and how easy it will be to have a light and dark mode out of the box with BS 5.3. Later I would expect to see other people putting out additional themes. Looks like cool things are on the way and hopefully soon an AdminLTE v4 will pick up traction!

eerison commented 1 year ago

I am not sure who here is really monitoring what is happening with Bootstrap 5.3, but a lot of work has been done and the latest 5.2 was merged into the dark mode branch just the other night. I think we may be getting close to at least an alpha/beta test run soon. There have been a lot of posts going on about it the last week or so. I am getting excited for this new update and have been working with the 5.3 WIP (work-in-progress) versions. I think a lot of people will be happy with the theme implementation and how easy it will be to have a light and dark mode out of the box with BS 5.3. Later I would expect to see other people putting out additional themes. Looks like cool things are on the way and hopefully soon an AdminLTE v4 will pick up traction!

I would say anyone is monitoring this repository anymore :/, any maintainer replay this issue, and if you check the Pull request there are a lot of PR without any feedback! I can see that many guys would like to contribute with this project, But I don't think it going forward :(