ColorlibHQ / shapely

Free multipurpose WordPress theme built using Bootstrap
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Half of the Font Awsome icones don t work + the free one on FA aren t in the list / ShapelyVersion : 1.2.15 #338

Open hubyhuby opened 1 year ago

hubyhuby commented 1 year ago

Updated to latest shapely today 1) half of the font awsome ( [Shapely] Features Section For FrontPage ), doesn t appear on the front page. 2) Lots of FREE icones on FA are not in the liste at all : The previous versionI had was from around August 2021. WP WordPress 5.8.4 ShapelyVersion : 1.2.15




Also some little glitches in the menu : image

hubyhuby commented 1 year ago

PS: tried to remove the custom css, in the builder view it doesn t make the icone appear. In firefox it does the same. Another section with missing icone : image

hubyhuby commented 1 year ago

I found the "bug" some icones are not present anymore like light bulb, even thought it appear in small in the design interface :

image If I change for another one it works


mewithoutrhyme commented 5 months ago

Did you ever resolve this? I’m having the same problem. Especially problematic with the submenu icons.

hubyhuby commented 5 months ago

Did you ever resolve this? I’m having the same problem. Especially problematic with the submenu icons. Hi @mewithoutrhyme No it is not resolved as pictures today. For the icones not working, I replaced them by other that work... for the menu it looks like this, like you said : image

mewithoutrhyme commented 5 months ago

This thread is helpful. I made the updates to the css and the navigation on top was fixed. Make sure to fix the font weight and the font name.

I was still having problems with the social icons though and found that they needed to be amended with the "brands" fontawesome font. To do that, I edited - Shapely: all.min.css (assets/css/fontawesome/all.min.css)

At the very end of the file, last line, you just have to add the brands font: .fas{font-family:"Font Awesome 5 Free","Font Awesome 5 Brands"}.fa,.fas{font-weight:900}