Colorsublime / Colorsublime-Themes

Colorsublime themes collection
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The sexist color theme #88

Closed Mopolo closed 9 years ago

Mopolo commented 9 years ago


I love your site and use the Aurora theme that I really love.

But I noticed this theme:

And the description is "Your girlfriend will finally love looking at your code". IT is not just a male thing, there are also women in this industry. And having these kind of phrases will only keep them out of IT.

This theme is sexist and misogynist. It should be removed.

And in case you wonder, I'm a guy, and I find this theme offensive to women.

zingmars commented 9 years ago

wat First of all, description and theme are two different things. Pinkish theme is by no means sexist. And I really struggle to see how the description implies that IT is a male only thing. What if my girlfriend likes the pink colour and understands programming languages? Wouldn't the description be appropriate?

I feel like you're making an issue where there is none, but that might be just me.

Lastly I don't see how being a male changes anything. Last I checked everyone had the right to their opinion. Whether others will agree or not is a different thing.

lozette commented 9 years ago

Agreed, it's 2014 people. Although I suspect the responses from this aren't going to be favourable.

fronx commented 9 years ago

I agree. Name and description should be changed.

Mopolo commented 9 years ago

Having a pink colored code and saying it is to please to a woman is sexist. Why something for women has to be pink?

What if my girlfriend hates pink? What if I have a boyfriend? Should I use blue colored code?

I just said that I'm a male because, sadly if a woman complains about things like that, they usually are insulted.

And I agree, pinkish theme is not sexist, but the color associated with the description and the name are.

zingmars commented 9 years ago

Fair enough, didn't consider the association angle.

Yeah, changing the title and the description might be a good idea.

geelen commented 9 years ago

Yeah :+1: to changing it. No need to put gendered/loaded terms on a colour theme.

geeksam commented 9 years ago

Nothing wrong with having a pink theme. But since I have a few minutes to spare, let's unpack "Your girlfriend will finally love looking at your code."

This sentence contains a number of implicit assumptions: First, that the reader has a girlfriend. (Yes, technically this could include women in same-gender relationships, but statistically, it strongly suggests male, straight, and either young or divorced.) Second, that the reader's girlfriend objects to looking at code. Third, that the reader's girlfriend's objects to looking at code because isn't pink—and not because, well, it's code. ;)

Mopolo commented 9 years ago

Thanks all!

gsautr commented 9 years ago

This was my favourite theme and now I can't find it. I don't get it - is the use of pastel colours demeaning? Has any women actually objected to the name of the theme?

Can't find either "Your girlfriend will finally love looking at your code" or "Pastel" - if anyone can point me in the right direction, much appreciated.

Mopolo commented 9 years ago

Hi @gsinnott. For some reason the theme was updated to these new colours:

The one you are looking for is this one:

If you want an explanation, then all you have to do is read the comments on this issue (the link sent by @geeksam is a good explanation).

gsautr commented 9 years ago

Right, I did. But I still take issue - because to me it seems really quite nasty to publicly shame the creator for having made "The sexist color theme" and call them a misogynist, simply for combining a particularly nice set of colours in a text editing program.

Mopolo commented 9 years ago

I don't know what to say so I'll just quote myself:

And I agree, pinkish theme is not sexist, but the color associated with the description and the name are.

gsautr commented 9 years ago

So when challenged your only recourse is to quote someone half-agreeing with you?

Mopolo commented 9 years ago

I said myself so not someone else. This seems a bit overreacting.

I have nothing to add to what has already been said. No need to continue.

gsautr commented 9 years ago

Just think a bit more before throwing about such loaded terms - it's probably more offensive for you to take it upon yourself to be the righteous protector of all women on their behalf.

blopker commented 9 years ago

No need to continue.
