Coltonton / WD-PR4100-FreeNAS-Control

Hardware control for the WD PR4100 running stefaang's Freenas
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TrueNAS Scale compatibility issues #5

Open nestandi opened 5 months ago

nestandi commented 5 months ago

After fixing the ttyS2 (thank you very much Coltonton for fixing it! :)) there are still some issues left to fix:

:) couple of things... but i think it's nearly there...

Coltonton commented 5 months ago

Well always new was more, one step at a time! Figured other system calls would be different. I'll look and get the old memory noodle going. To figure out all the system calls to get the temps. Fortunately the hard work is done distinguishing between FreeBSD/Linux πŸ˜„ just pop in some variables and voilΓ ! Ah yes forgot standard Linux is alphabetical not numerical!

As I'll take a look into the screen not working but the original program doesn't have any functionality anyway. Literally just the welcome display, and IP address display. Last night after publishing the tty. Work was started on, on device UI stuff (backend) with the intention of getting set up to add more, feature rich features for V1.2. πŸ˜€ We'll see where it goes but I'm thinking more info like the stock MyCloud firmware with temp information and such. Plus maybe on device settings for LED color customizations (if that's your jam), LCD backlight dimming/turn off, reboot, etc.

Irregardless SCALE support does come first and gets priority (hopefully not 4 days this time). I do appreciate everyone's help/input on this subject and welcome further requests. Not doing this just for myself but, everyone else because there is a distinct lack of 3rd party OS hardware support; and that's unfortunate. I'd be willing to bet most people who actually use these are not running WD MyCloud... for the obvious reasons. (Why we're all here). Apologies in advance if my language is shit / I come off as a dick. I've been trying to work on it but alas I'm cursed as an engineer to have every social issue possible sigh

nestandi commented 5 months ago

Your language is fine, instead apologies for my language - English is not my mother tongue, so I can easily mismatch in the communication πŸ€·β€β™‚οΈπŸ˜…

Your support is much appreciated , as itβ€˜s actually the only thing which is now helping me not to toss my nice pr4100 into the bin and exchange for something else πŸ˜‚

Iβ€˜m looking forward to the next development and hopefully can help a bit out πŸ€·β€β™‚οΈπŸ˜Š

Coltonton commented 5 months ago

@nestandi does SCALE run as root user as well? I'm almost all together checking linux commands on other Linux boxes I have (non NAS). for like drive temp the command should be smartctl -n standby -a /dev/sda | grep "Temperature"

Can you confirm TrueNAS SCALE has the smart utilities installed? smartctl -v ( I do have a check for it to let users know just in case) and lmk if SCALE runs under root like it does in CORE?

nestandi commented 5 months ago

@Coltonton SCALE as root user? Sorry, but I don't understand what you mean... With sudo I can easily start something as SuperUser... :(

The temps from HDDs are being shown as it seems:

admin@nas[~]$ sudo smartctl -n standby -a /dev/sda | grep "Temperature"
194 Temperature_Celsius     0x0002   071   071   000    Old_age   Always       -       25 (Min/Max 14/43)

smartctl ist installed:

admin@nas[~]$ sudo smartctl -v smartctl 7.4 2023-08-01 r5530 [x86_64-linux-6.1.74-production+truenas] (local build) Copyright (C) 2002-23, Bruce Allen, Christian Franke,

=======> ARGUMENT REQUIRED FOR OPTION: v =======> VALID ARGUMENTS ARE: help N,raw8[:012345rvwz][,ATTR_NAME] N,raw16[:012345rvwz][,ATTR_NAME] N,raw48[:012345rvwz][,ATTR_NAME] N,hex48[:012345rvwz][,ATTR_NAME] N,raw56[:012345rvwz][,ATTR_NAME] N,hex56[:012345rvwz][,ATTR_NAME] N,raw64[:012345rvwz][,ATTR_NAME] N,hex64[:012345rvwz][,ATTR_NAME] N,raw16(raw16)[:012345rvwz][,ATTR_NAME] N,raw16(avg16)[:012345rvwz][,ATTR_NAME] N,raw24(raw8)[:012345rvwz][,ATTR_NAME] N,raw24/raw24[:012345rvwz][,ATTR_NAME] N,raw24/raw32[:012345rvwz][,ATTR_NAME] N,sec2hour[:012345rvwz][,ATTR_NAME] N,min2hour[:012345rvwz][,ATTR_NAME] N,halfmin2hour[:012345rvwz][,ATTR_NAME] N,msec24hour32[:012345rvwz][,ATTR_NAME] N,tempminmax[:012345rvwz][,ATTR_NAME] N,temp10x[:012345rvwz][,ATTR_NAME] 9,halfminutes 9,minutes 9,seconds 9,temp 192,emergencyretractcyclect 193,loadunload 194,10xCelsius 194,unknown 197,increasing 198,offlinescanuncsectorct 198,increasing 200,writeerrorcount 201,detectedtacount 220,temp <=======

Use smartctl -h to get a usage summary

Coltonton commented 5 months ago

Hey @nestandi buddy. Still on this don't worry, I have it basically good to go check branch dev1.1 : although I have not got ram support in place and i2C seems to be a little... let's just say fucky. I have SCALE on a flash drive and I might actually stick with that. Fortunately my unit is not set up as anything as I wanted to figure out what I was doing first