ColumbiaJS / js-course

Columbia Computer Science Course in Advanced Javascript as Taught By Lev Brie
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Lev's sublime setup #18

Closed guribe94 closed 9 years ago

guribe94 commented 9 years ago

If possible could we get a list of plugins/how to configure sublime to work the same way as Lev's does at some point?

levbrie commented 9 years ago

@guribe94 I'm working on this and hope to have it for everyone by Monday, if not sooner.

levbrie commented 9 years ago

@guribe94 I've added a page about my Sublime setup as well as links to my own customized color scheme and JavaScript snippets on the wiki at

njt2116 commented 9 years ago

Awesome. Thanks so much @levbrie --this is great! The sidebar icons are very helpful for orienting myself in the MEAN layout. Just what I was talking about at the end of the workshop!