ColumbiaJS / js-course

Columbia Computer Science Course in Advanced Javascript as Taught By Lev Brie
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Individual looking for team for angular or fullstack #22

Closed joebeut closed 9 years ago

joebeut commented 9 years ago

Hey Guys,

My name is Joe Beutler. My uni is jtb2133 and github is joebeut.

I am a senior CS major looking for a team interested in building an angular or full stack app. I am pretty comfortable with html, CSS and frameworks, and SQL. I really want to get my hands dirty with angular and other app specific tech. I have built a couple of apps (nothing too fancy) and I like mobile and responsive web design.

No idea what I want to work on yet so I'm flexible. Let me know if you're interested in joining me or are looking for another teammate.

Best Joe