Colvars / colvars

Collective variables library for molecular simulation and analysis programs
GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0
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Dark mode and VMD - invisible text #664

Closed balazsfabian closed 4 months ago

balazsfabian commented 4 months ago

I used the Colvars Dashboard on my Mac, where I prefer the dark mode for all applications. For some reason, VMD does not seem to fully support it. As a result, in the white textbox of the Colvar config editor I get white text, which is of course invisible unless highlighted. A good workaround is to exclude VMD from the dark mode applications. I post it here in the hope that is saves some people the time:

# Check whether VMD is found by the 'defaults' command
defaults read | grep VMD

# Change the appearance for VMD
defaults write VMD NSRequiresAquaSystemAppearance -boolean true
jhenin commented 4 months ago

Thanks @balazsfabian ! I am converting this to a Discussion, where it can stay "open" for a long time, which will make it most useful.