Here is a concrete example of a use case of metadata, and a potential specification. We are still conceptualizing how to handle data to represend, describe designs as digital objects and consider different use cases. This is a little project on its own, perhaps would be nice to have it as a separate board later, for now I put it here.
# basis initial format for remote pickup of metadata by both client app and
# the essential repo updates system, about to appear in first capability.
# *todo* ground rules for yaml lines of this file, to be written
# note carefully that this is the title that will show
# in the Finder-Viewer app, and so _must_ be short enough to fit
# the longTitle below lets such be in meta; no place to use it at present
shortTitle: MIT Emergency Ventilator (E-Vent)
# these names are fixed labels as must be used on repo by GitHub API, for our access
name: mit-emergency-ventilator
nameWithOwner: CombatCovid/mit-emergency-ventilator
# markdown titles too long for Finder to show especially, we hold for any uses
# the same for long descriptions in the languages
# when text may fit, then they are the same in topic and longTopic yaml itemslongTitle: MIT Emergency Ventilator (E-Vent) Project
description: A low-cost ventilator, based on the collective wisdom of many clinicians
keywords: [ covid-19, medical equipment, patient, recovery, critical care,intensive care, icu,
emergency room, emt, treatment, hospital, operating room,
sheet metal, laser cut ]
longDescription: >
A ventilator is a machine that provides mechanical ventilation
by moving breathable air into and out of the lungs, to deliver breaths
to a patient who is physically unable to breathe,
or breathing insufficiently.
description: Un ventilador de bajo costo, basado en la sabiduría colectiva de muchos médicos.
keywords: [ covid-19, equipo médico, paciente, recuperación, cuidados críticos, cuidados intensivos, icu,
sala de emergencia, emt, tratamiento, hospital, quirófano,
chapa, corte por láser ]
longDescription: >
Un ventilador es una máquina que proporciona ventilación mecánica.
moviendo aire respirable dentro y fuera de los pulmones,
para entregar respiraciones a un paciente que es físicamente
incapaz de respirar, o respirando insuficientemente.
keywords: [ covid-19, 의료 기기, 환자, 회복, 중요 치료, 집중 치료, icu,
응급실, 구급차, 치료, 병원, 수술실, 판금, 레이저 컷 ]
description: 많은 임상의의 집단적 지혜에 기반한 저렴한 인공 호흡기
longDescription: >
인공 호흡기는 기계적 환기를 제공하는 기계입니다
통기성 공기를 폐 안팎으로 이동시켜 호흡
신체적으로 숨을 쉴 수없는 환자에게
또는 호흡이 불충분합니다.
intended-use: >-
made: true
made-independently: false
hardware: CERN-OHL-S License
okh-manifest-version: 1.0.0
date-updated: 2020-04-06
- David van Rijn
- Jose Francisco Martinez
affiliation: TU Delft
-Gabriel D’Anselmo
-Simone Iannucci
-Patrizio Cavarretta
-Massimiliano D’Amario
-Francesco Solinas
-Vittoria Garosci
-Francesco D’Anselmo
-Roberto Caminati
-Carlo Menegazzo
-Vittoria Garosci
-Pietro Arina
-Francesca Gaschino
-Stefano Bedino
-Fabrizio David
- A00_OB_200404
- P0008_OB_200401
- A06_OB_200401
- P0009_OB_200401
- P0010_OB_200401
- Washer_M6
- Screw_M6_14
- Nut_M6
- Omron_LimitSwitch_20834
- Washer_M3
- Screw_M3_20
- Nut_M3
- A01_OB_200401
- A03_OB_200401
- Igus_MCM_06_015_1
- P0001_OB_200401
- WE_M3_20_971200354
- Washer_M3
- Nut_M3
- WE_Standoffs_M2_15_971150244
- Washer_M2
- Nut_M2
- P0007_OB_200401
- RLS - BA060AB01AA00
- RLS - BR10xxx14xxxxD00
- Screw_M2_5_Phillips
- RLS - RMA06A3A00
- Screw_M3_Phillips/Countersunk
- A05_OB_200402
- P0003_OB_200401
- A07_LimitSwitch
- Washer_M2
- Nut_M2
- Screw_M2_12
- Screw_M3_25
- A02_OB_200404
- P0002_OB_200404
- P0005_OB_200403
- Igus_NEMA_23_MOT-AN-S-060-020-056-L-A-AAAA
- ShaftCoupler_6.35_6.00
- Set_Screw_M4
- Igus_DST-LS-10x12-R-200-ES_Parametric
- AutomotionComponents - L1390.FK06
- P0006_OB_200403
- Washer_M3
- Screw_M3_14
- Nut_M3
- Washer_M4
- Nut_M4
- Screw_M4_60
- Spacer_M4_45
- RLS - RMH06A3A02
- Standoffs_M3_8
- WE_Spacer_2.5_3.3_6_9774025960_rev1
- Washer_M3_Plastic
- Screw_M3_5_Phillips
- Screw_M3_10
- A04_OB_200401
- P0004_OB_200401
- Igus_DST-JFRM-2525DS10x12
- Washer_M5
- Screw_M5_20
- Nut_M5
- Seeger_6
- Igus_MSM-0608-10
- Washer_M6
- Nut_M5
- Screw_M5_Shoulder_6_6
- Ambu_Spur_II_200313
- Washer_M6
- Nut_M6
- Screw_M6_14
# ---
# Note that it's critical that a metadata.yaml file _does not ever have_ this trailing ---
# The reason: this trailing separator says there's another block to come.
# For a Markdown fine, that's true -- the main Markdown text
# But in a pure Yaml file, there isn't more to come - and it will break because empty!
Is it commercially available?? produced industrially? etc......
In general as a reference and inspiration we have been thinking for long time before even starting this particular projects to use json schemas:
Here is a concrete example of a use case of metadata, and a potential specification. We are still conceptualizing how to handle data to represend, describe designs as digital objects and consider different use cases. This is a little project on its own, perhaps would be nice to have it as a separate board later, for now I put it here.