CombustibleToast / StratagemHeroOnline

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Feature Request: Please add a mode for Helldivers 2 #3

Closed mavanmanen closed 4 months ago

mavanmanen commented 5 months ago

Would be nice if there there was a version that had all the HD2 stratagems so I can get to practicing them 😄

CombustibleToast commented 5 months ago

This is coming soon after there's a list of stratagems, their images, and their input sequences!

SavageCore commented 4 months ago

This is the most complete list I have found, with just 3 icons missing:


CombustibleToast commented 4 months ago

Oh sweet, thanks for the JSON too

CombustibleToast commented 4 months ago

This is now being worked on in the hd2 branch

SavageCore commented 4 months ago

Oh, one correction so far, they had HMG Placement it's HMG Emplacement

I finally got in-game again!

Edit: This is the user script I put together to export that Steam guide. Logs the JSON to the console.

Edit edit: Also here are the icons in a zip in-case those links die

CombustibleToast commented 4 months ago

It's up!