Comcast / jrugged

A Java libary of robustness design patterns
Apache License 2.0
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Exception Handlers/configuration Leakage #56

Open joercampbell opened 5 years ago

joercampbell commented 5 years ago

Right now if you look at a circuit breaker in Jrugged, the breaker itself has some convenience methods for retrieving and configuring values into the breaker. This is problematic because the behaviour of the breaker itself is actually governed by a FailureInterpreter class which lives inside of the breaker. This FailureInterpreter may have different configuration requirements than the default implementation making those CircuitBreaker convenience methods no good and lead to exceptions, errors and other miscommunications of understanding. Come up with a way to extract the Breaker/FailureInterpreter configuration so that they are not 'shared' as they are currently.

elise-hannon commented 5 years ago

working on this one