Comcast / traffic_control

Traffic Control CDN
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Request for traffic ops feature to show info on why a server is either admin_down or offline. #1542

Closed jdawgitsome closed 8 years ago

jdawgitsome commented 8 years ago

Request for traffic ops to show info on why a server is either admin_down or offline. For example: User bob has set admin_down on server xtream-ats-01. Prior to admin_down and queueing, on the pop up box add a notes area that can be viewable after where a user can place information as to why the server is being set this way. Also include a section as to what user is making the change. Possibly do not allow admin down or offline to proceed without comment.

CDNOPS commented 8 years ago

How can we get this request prioritized? The fact that we do not know at a glance why hosts are off-lined is causing a ton of pain and unnecessary investigations for the operations team. Please advise