Comer352L / FreeSSM

GNU General Public License v3.0
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need help #3

Open VYVG opened 10 years ago

VYVG commented 10 years ago

Hi, guys. I really need your help. The problem with my Subaru that hasn't been solved by anyone for 1 year led me to you, as the authors of free ssm. The problem is - the engine has very very low power output and sometimes really awful flat spots and sometimes strange starting of the engine - as if cylinders start to fire in a chaotic sequence. Almost all of the sensors were changed, catalytic convertor removed, compression measured (it's okay) - same with fuel delivery, ignition components tried (were taken from a well functioning motor), inlet cam phasers and their solenoids changed, crankshaft sprocket changed, ECU changed and a lot more...but nothing helps. Your FreeSsm indicates of the nature of the trouble but where exactly this trouble is seems to be something mysterious. Your program, in section "measuring blocks", reveals that there is a trouble, trouble concerning "Crankshaft position signal" and "Camshaft position signal". These signals constantly flash, from "on" position to "off" position. And this flash has no definite sequence, it occurs chaotically...only crank may flash, then cam and then they both may flash, then only cam may flash - to be brief it's just chaos with these signals. I checked this on two Subarus, both operating nicely, and both of them always have these signals in "on" position, no flashing from "on" to "off". Of course, the harness from crank and cam (3 sensors) sensors was checked, and the sensors changed. The anti-thief and music systems were totally unpowered and even ECU changed. It looks like the trouble is hidden in the center of the earth and we'll die before we dig in there. I'm absolutely sure that unless "crank and cam signals" flash to "on" position and stay in there till the Judgement day, the engine won't ever show its true horsepower. The question to you, guys, as the creators of free ssm, is - what's the ground for these two measuring blocks (crank and cam position signals). What triggers (in terms of programming your soft) must be pulled to let start them flashing? Any advice or ideas will be highly appreciated.

paladinshiva commented 5 years ago

You should refer to the service manual for your Subaru. This could be anything, and most likely will have nothing to do with "triggers", and any or all signals are described in the electrical schematics. Web mechanic in me says check your coils.