ComfyFactory / ComfyFactorio

A compilation of factorio scenarios, featuring many different maps.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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MTN: Pushback at highest allowed depth (zone limit) can stuck player #456

Closed vadcx closed 6 months ago

vadcx commented 7 months ago

When the train is too far behind, players are disallowed from continuing north. This is done by teleporting the player back south with a warning message to the player. However (especially with high movement speeds) it is possible the player will be teleported next to a void tile and get stuck.

This happened twice on the same spot yesterday... and somehow I don't have the screenshot anymore. It looked kinda like this:

X is pathable tile. O is void. Where --- is the first disallowed tile by height.


Trying to recall what happened: The first player was teleported to small x and called for help. Then when I came running at full speed, I went past the line diagonally (going top-right) and got teleported to the same spot and so we got stuck together while being attacked by worms.

We barely managed to escape by exploding a chest and generating another earth tile to move on.

Similarly a little earlier I got stuck-teleported behind the unmine-able zone border wall. It was not as bad but still annoying:

L is border wall (can only be destroyed by shooting) and W is water. Factorio desided to teleport me BETWEEN the border wall and water. Thus I was unable to move left or right and could only shoot myself free.

Gerkiz commented 6 months ago

This will be fixed in the next release. Thank you posting this issue!