CommandFusion / iViewer-For-Android

CommandFusion iViewer for Android
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crash 116 #100

Closed MichaelHartmann closed 11 years ago

MichaelHartmann commented 11 years ago

For reasons not known to me the version 116 crashes (after a few seconds) . In the remote debugger cannot see be seen what function is affected. Samsung GT-I9001 Firmware 2.3.6

fpillet commented 11 years ago

Hi Michael, please make sure you check out the notifications and click them to send the crash report to us, otherwise we can't find out what's crashing. Thanks!

MichaelHartmann commented 11 years ago

Do you mean "iViewer Settings" -> "Error Reporting" -> "Your Email Address"?

fpillet commented 11 years ago

No, when you get a crash the software shows a notification (swipe from the top of screen), to ask you whether you want to send a crash report. The report then gets sent to us where we can investigate it.

MichaelHartmann commented 11 years ago

There seems to be no crash. iViewer terminated by itself. The function "onGUISuspended" is not called. Once WIFI switch off, iViewer works.

fpillet commented 11 years ago

Please try (which fixes the UDP / onGUISuspended issues you reported) and let me know if this still happens!

fpillet commented 11 years ago

To install from your device, simply use this link:

MichaelHartmann commented 11 years ago

The error must do have with the feedback. Regex "\ x06 \ x10 \ x04 \ x20 \ x00 \ x17 [\ x00-\ xff] {10} \ X0F \ x0b [\ x00-\ xff] {3} ([\ x00-\ xff]) ([\ x00-\ xff])". "Although seems operation is not met, the calculation "Transform" "value * 256" is called. And then the program was terminates. Delete is "value * 256" everything is OK. But the calculation should not be called. This error is encountered only in the build 116 and 117. The build 113 was OK Unfortunately, the function "onGUISuspended" is called when even if the portrait to "landscape" to "portrait" or vice versa.

fpillet commented 11 years ago

This is valuable information, thank you.

Ah yes Android is a bit special, the application "pauses" during rotation. Thanks for the info, going to fix this as well. New release soon.

fpillet commented 11 years ago

Crasher on math evaluation is fixed in build 120

MichaelHartmann commented 11 years ago

it is now OK