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Aspect ratio & vertical settings disconnected between workspaces #9

Open loquanet opened 1 month ago

loquanet commented 1 month ago

Version: 19beta6 not studio GPU: quadro t1200, driver cuda 32.0.15 timeline setting original: ultra HD timeline setting desired change to: vertical ultra HD

What format setting is not effected by the bug:


  1. Switching between workspaces the playback window doesn't equally match ratio and rotation between all workspaces per the project or timeline override manual settings.
  2. No way to see what aspect is really applied to all workspace playback players based on settings saved.
  3. Transform FX is also broken between cut/edit/fusion and color mode. Doesn't match. 3a. When enabling and adjusting setting in edit workspace its separate from and adds to a color grading node in color view workspace. For example I have no transform node ON, the zoom is the same throughout workspaces playback views. When I enable/ON a zoom from the edit/cut/fusion view, then go to color WS it shows both as added zoom together; thereby, double zooming or double rotating the clip.


  1. How am I suppose to know as a beginner in resolve this is a bug or a setting?
  2. How am I suppose to trust v19 or beta given beta only fixes new features not basic old function and base function of resolve workflow of workspaces?
  3. How am I suppose to really know/see if changing ratio or vert/horiz is applied or not to all workspaces?
  4. What if I didn't change vertical and only resolution to higher or lower, how am I supposed to know it changed in 1 or all playback workspaces when there's no indicator of the setting after set? If I switched from HD to ultra HD but not the vertical, how would I know if it took effect or not? I lost faith in resolve.
  5. (Using non-studio version), I tried to set 4k or 6k and it switched back. No error or popup to say its not enabled for non-studio version. I had to do research after banging my head with frustration.


  1. Timeline or project settings don't matter. issue persists to not effect the workspace not selected/currently viewed.
  2. the only correct workspace is media or cut, the other workspaces show a square or 16:9 aspect ratio. Basically vertical and ratio is ignored in other workspaces for playback.
  3. quitting and restarting resolve doesn't fix it.
  4. resetting UI doesn't fix it and shouldn't be needed to hit that.
  5. checking output or format tab inside project settings doesn't fix it. But when it's checked then it matches the setting after I fixed the bug using my workaround.


  1. Not use project settings and use manual timeline settings ONLY when set when viewing workspace: color
  2. Only after that is set when viewing color workspace then switching workspaces shows the correct setting across all workspaces. If I set the aspect or to vert inside any other view, its still broken.


Wasted all last night 5hrs to figure out banging my head to why the workspaces don't show the same size and shape aka aspect ratio setting in the project and timeline settings. Finally figured out why.

Overall Resolve Suggestions:

  1. Aside from fixing the bug. Give an additional UI reset to: reset with last preset chosen.
  2. Have a preview of all chosen aspect ratios and resolutions in the settings window.
  3. Or have a reset button or apply button or reset and apply last layout preset used button inside timeline settings or project settings. This will bypass confusion for anyone experiencing the bug for not changing the vertical setting.
  4. There is no way to copy or import node grading files from a clip to a timeline. applying clip can only apply to clip. applying to timeline or pasting between clip and timeline isn't possible. I want to export grading from clip still then import to a timeline or vice versa. Given the grading was created in clip and still created in clip theres no way to switch to timeline node grading view (via 2 dots at the top) and then apply the copy or the grade to not the clip but the view I'm looking at. So there should be an option drop down or right click to "apply grade to timeline" and "apply grade to clip" or apply to both "timeline & clip."
  5. Don't ask me to test this further doing your engineers jobs and not get paid. This is a huge bug and disappointed. I'll uninstall and try v19 non-beta and see if issue persists.