Commifreak / unraid-appdata.backup

UNRAID AppData backup plugin
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Feature request: allow the user to choose the priority of error messages #28

Open unikitty37 opened 1 month ago

unikitty37 commented 1 month ago

I was woken just after 2 this morning by a critical-level alert from the Appdata Backup plugin:

Screenshot 2024-05-24 at 08 51 32

I don't really consider a backup failing to be a "wake me right now" event — they can be rerun in the morning. Other people might need that alert to be marked as critical, of course.

Please could we have a setting for this?

Commifreak commented 1 month ago

You already can configure some notification settings. Critical events are critical imho. What does it reported?

unikitty37 commented 1 month ago

This is all I've got — there's no option to set the priority level of the alerts.


I was getting problems with the radarr and sonarr containers corrupting their databases periodically, and thought that it might have been due to Appdata backup closing them while they were in the middle of something, so I tried setting "skip stopping of container" to Yes. That caused the backup plugin to complain, so I've switched the setting back.

However, I would still say that this is not worth waking me up for. The only way to stop this that I can see is to configure Pushover to not use iOS Critical Alerts for top-priority alerts, but that applies for all alerts sent through Pushover, not just those from unRAID — and, even then, disk failures are things that I would want to be woken up for. Backup failures are not.

You say "critical events are critical, imho" — agreed. But, iMho, this is not a critical event 🙂 Granted, other errors with the backups might be. But the user should be the one who gets to choose whether they get woken up for them.