CommissarMa / Context-Aware_Crowd_Counting-pytorch

The implementation of Context-Aware Crowd Counting(CVPR2019)
MIT License
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Some problem of #23

Closed GChen-ai closed 4 years ago

GChen-ai commented 4 years ago

I found that if I use this method to generate the density maps, the count of the density map is different from the original .mat file. Is there something wrong? For example, the IMG_2 in ShanghaiTechA train data, the count of GT_IMG_2.mat is 707. But the count of the density map generated by your code is 698. Thanks!

你好,我发现用你的代码生成的密度图和原始的.mat文件里的数目有些偏差,比如ShanghaiTech A里第二张图,原始的.mat文件中的label数是707,但用你的code生成的密度图sum之后是698。不知道是否有什么问题呢?还有你尝试过别的sigma和k取值的影响吗。 感谢!

CommissarMa commented 4 years ago
