Commit451 / skyhook

Parses webhooks and forwards them in the proper format to Discord.
MIT License
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`nodemon` addition #188

Closed wh1337 closed 2 years ago

wh1337 commented 2 years ago

Run npm run dev to start the nodemon listener. Code as normal, each time you save a file, the application will automatically restarat, thus reducing the need to manually stop and start the server each time you make a change. Should have no impact on production, this is purely a quality of life improvement for development.



dscalzi commented 2 years ago

can we include hot reloading for /public and /views? Specifically looking at client.js, styles.css, index.ejs

wh1337 commented 2 years ago

can we include hot reloading for /public and /views? Specifically looking at client.js, styles.css, index.ejs

Of course! Let me get that updated and push it up