Commit451 / skyhook

Parses webhooks and forwards them in the proper format to Discord.
MIT License
365 stars 94 forks source link

Skyhook Error #199

Open echan00 opened 1 year ago

echan00 commented 1 year ago
[Skyhook Error](
An error has occured on skyhook for your webhook with provider rollbar. Maybe you can copy/paste or screenshot this error if there is no sensitive information and open an issue on the skyhook GitHub.

Error: "TypeError: Cannot read properties of null (reading 'embeds')\n at Rollbar.addEmbed (/workspace/dist/provider/BaseProvider.js:81:26)\n at Rollbar.postParse (/workspace/dist/provider/Rollbar.js:91:14)\n at Rollbar.<anonymous> (/workspace/dist/provider/BaseProvider.js:49:18)\n at (<anonymous>)\n at /workspace/dist/provider/BaseProvider.js:8:71\n at new Promise (<anonymous>)\n at __awaiter (/workspace/dist/provider/BaseProvider.js:4:12)\n at Rollbar.parse (/workspace/dist/provider/BaseProvider.js:43:16)\n at /workspace/dist/index.js:173:45\n at (<anonymous>)"