CommonGarden / Grow-IoT

Software packages for smart growing environments.
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Monorepo #393

Closed JakeHartnell closed 6 years ago

JakeHartnell commented 6 years ago

I've gotten feedback that getting started is confusing and I think that's because Thing.js and Grow.js are separate repos. They will continue to be seperate libraries published on npm, but including them here will make getting started easier.

On the plus side, it will also mean we won't have to set them up as seperate open collective projects.


Thanks @tilgovi for the Lerna recommendation!

JakeHartnell commented 6 years ago

Reopening as there are still a few things that need to be addressed:

JakeHartnell commented 6 years ago

Failing tests... they work on the old repo at:

  1) Grow.js "before each" hook for "should write state to file":
     TypeError: Class constructor Thing cannot be invoked without 'new'
      at new Grow (dist/Grow.js:110:97)
      at Context.<anonymous> (test/grow-test.js:47:24)

  2) Growfile test "before each" hook for "should load the database":
     TypeError: Class constructor Thing cannot be invoked without 'new'
      at new Grow (dist/Grow.js:110:97)
      at Context.<anonymous> (test/growfile-test.js:13:23)

  3) Grow.js "before each" hook for "should have cloned metadata":
     TypeError: Class constructor Thing cannot be invoked without 'new'
      at new Grow (dist/Grow.js:110:97)
      at Context.<anonymous> (test/thing-test.js:47:24)

Tests for the Thing.js package pass...

tilgovi commented 6 years ago

Weird. Curious what you find.

JakeHartnell commented 6 years ago

Fixed now. Looks like the problem was related to the .babelrc in the Grow.js folder.