CommonsBuild / commons-config-proposals

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4.20 Public Open Meets Ostrom’s $1M Hatch, Fledge & Fly! (simulation 10 million WxDAI in, 1 million TEC out) #144

Open tecparamsbot opened 2 years ago

tecparamsbot commented 2 years ago


What is the overall Commons Configuration strategy?

Based on Sunday’s debates and, in particular, feedback from PaulH, PhilH, Simon de la Rouviere and Decentralized SDGs I am incorporating new thinking about the params into the original proposal.

Here are the main points: Hatchers are in this for the long term. I am not changing the Freeze & Thaw of 39 and 65. With the other changes, the floor will remain above the Hatcher price of 1wxdai for 1.5 years, so that floor was even extended. Opening price upped to 2.71. The challenge was to balance sufficiently funding the Common Pool without torpedoing the Reserve Ratio at a higher opening. The “public” opening price (after the TEC’s initial-buy) will be 4.20 and that is a meme everyone loves. Letting go of the 1M target for the Commons Pool. But we will have 927K available on day 1 so it is also not that far off. The Reserve Ratio is 7.14% but that’s the tradeoff I made for a higher opening price. I am removing the idea of step-changing tributes. First of all, there is no way to ensure it will happen. It is an unenforceable element in any proposal. Token holders will be different at the time the votes happen. That token holders will lower the entry tribute and RAISE the exit tribute (directly affecting their token holdings) is too wishful thinking even if it is has logical merit. If the community decided to do that, great, but we can’t bank on it. Setting the Entry and Exit to 12 and 8 which feels like the right balance to start with and the community can evaluate the results over the first months to determine whether or not we will want to change them. Changing the TAO voting after seeing the value of having a slightly lower support required and quorum. I also took 1 day off the vote duration. Let’s not hinder ourselves by making votes too hard to pass. At 77% support required, it would take 23% no votes to block a change to the DAO. Its not so much that it will divide the community and no so little that it could happen often. Standing by the params in CV. I’d like to see ambitious projects with proved leadership and teams get funded. With Hatcher tokens frozen we make up the lions share of voters. We know the reputation of those that will be proposing for funding. We know who delivers. Allowing funding votes to pass in less than one day is a terrible disservice to our global community. Every TEC token holder should have the chance to see a proposal in their daytime hours.

Did you know that from hatching to leaving the nest a bird can increase its weight by as much as 10 times?

Influenced and inspired by:

113 - "The Fledge"

74 - $1 Gambit for $1,000,000 Goldilocks Orogeny

109 - The Bolshevik's Gambit fork with Revolutionary Opening Price and Iron Curtain Conviction Voting

124 - Montaña Rusa: The Communist Roller-Coaster



Module 1: Token Freeze & Token Thaw

Parameter Value
Token Freeze 39 Weeks
Token Thaw 65 Weeks
Opening Price 2.71 wxDAI

Module 2: Augmented Bonding Curve

Parameter Value
Commons Tribute 70.00%
Entry Tribute 12.00%
Exit Tribute 8.00%
*Reserve Ratio 7.14%

*This is an output. Learn more about the Reserve Ratio here.

Module 3: Tao Voting

Parameter Value
Support Required 77%
Minimum Quorum 7%
Vote Duration 5 day(s)
Delegated Voting Period 3 day(s)
Quiet Ending Period 2 day(s)
Quiet Ending Extension 3 day(s)
Execution Delay 1 day(s)

Module 4: Conviction Voting

Parameter Value
Conviction Growth 14 day(s)
Minimum Conviction 5.0%
Spending Limit 20.0%

Module 1: Token Freeze and Token Thaw


Hatchers are in this for the long term. I am not changing the Freeze & Thaw of 39 and 65. With the other changes, the floor will remain above the Hatcher price of 1wxdai for 1.5 years, so that floor was even extended.

In large part, our Hatch was based on the premise that Hatchers are commitment the long term, mission driven goals over short term individual gains. So I’m advocating for a longish thaw. One that will give the TEC a floor above the Hatch price for the entire first year. Kudos to The Fledge (#113) for the “hatch, fledge” analogy. Hatch, fledge, fly!

Did you know that from hatching to leaving the nest a bird can increase its weight by as much as 10 times?

With the freeze/thaw at 39/65, Hatchers tokens begin to thaw at 9 months and by the end of the first year, 20% of Hatchers tokens will be unfrozen.

We are not greedy. We envision a world where ethical and resilient economic systems benefit societies. We know it will take us time to make that happen and that having a secure floor for one full yer will provide needed security to take our next bold steps. This gives us a year to build our reputation, strategies and agility in whatever market conditions we face.

Parameter Value
Token Freeze 39 Weeks
Token Thaw 65 Weeks
Opening Price 2.71 wxDAI

Hatcher's TEC Release Schedule

This is the release schedule for TEC that was given to Hatchers. Their TEC will start out frozen and then slowly become liquid according to the graph above.

Token Release Timeline

Duration % of Tokens Released Price Floor of Token
3 months 0.00% 2.71 wxDAI
6 months 0.00% 2.71 wxDAI
9 months 0.00% 2.71 wxDAI
1 year 20.00% 2.17 wxDAI
1.5 years 60.00% 1.08 wxDAI
2 years 100.00% 0.00 wxDAI
3 years 100.00% 0.00 wxDAI
4 years 100.00% 0.00 wxDAI
5 years 100.00% 0.00 wxDAI

Module 2: Augmented Bonding Curve (ABC)


----- made some updates to the below --- The psychological impact of 1M in the Commons pool is no small trifle. That’s 1M allocated directly to funding proposals that serve our mission. With a must-have of 1M in the Commons pool, I looked to find the right balance between the Commons Tribute (sourced from existing Hatchers) and Entry/Exit Tribute (to be sourced from future TEC token holders).

Unless we are setting the entry/exit to near-zero we should expect that future TEC token holders are here for the impact to be made and a belief in what we are doing. Any non-zero tribute will be a deterrent to the average speculator.

Here I nod again to #113 and appreciate very much their doubling down on the impact investment angle. In their words: “​​The 80% initial tribute makes us unabashedly an impact investment. Impact investors care about impact and don't want to pay to fund reserves to lower the volatility. Another effect of the low reserve is high slippage, which makes it expensive and thus unattractive for non-aligned, purely speculative whales to suddenly buy up large shares in ways that might harm the mission and the community. Impact investors will care less about slippage, since that money goes to the TEC, which they are backing for impact. Oh, did I mention it's a million dollar fund. Nice.

Yeah, 30% entry tribute is a big cut. But remember, we're an impact investment. We pitch that the 30% is an investment that they make in public goods and we take it off the top while they're still excited. There's no exit tribute. We get the investment up front, not when they're trying to get out and may have reasons for leaving anyway.”

Parameter Value
Commons Tribute 70.00%
Entry Tribute 12.00%
Exit Tribute 8.00%
*Reserve Ratio 7.14%

*This is an output. Learn more about the Reserve Ratio here.

Allocation of Funds wxDAI
Common Pool (Before Initial Buy) 882856.50
Reserve (Before Initial Buy) 378367.07
Common Pool (After Initial Buy) 912856.50
Reserve (After Initial Buy) 598367.07

TEC Price vs ABC Reserve Holdings

The ABC mints and burns TEC tokens, the price of the TEC token is dependent on the funds that is held in the Reserve. This graph shows how the ABC's Price for TEC tokens changes with the ABC's Reserve Balance. The Initial Buy that will happen at launch is highlighted.

Example Transaction Data

Tx Reserve Total Supply Price Amount In Tribute Amount Out New Price Slippage
0 378367.07 1956421.69 2.71 250000.00 wxDAI 30000.0 65050.92 TEC 4.15 19.87%
1 598367.07 2021472.61 4.15 5000.00 wxDAI 600.0 1057.20 TEC 4.18 0.34%
2 602767.07 2022529.81 4.18 100000.00 wxDAI 12000.0 19764.97 TEC 4.74 6.20%
3 690767.07 2042294.77 4.74 3000.00 TEC 1690.01 12393.37 wxDAI 4.65 0.95%
4 676683.7 2039294.77 4.65 10000000.00 wxDAI 1200000.0 422676.13 TEC 53.94 77.67%
5 9476683.7 2461970.91 53.94 1000000.00 TEC 1136436.15 8333865.09 wxDAI 0.06 82.44%

ABC Overview

Reserve (wxDai) Supply (TEC) Price (wxDai/TEC) Market cap
10,000 1,509,647 0.09 140,215.88
50,000 1,693,328 0.41 700,717.39
100,000 1,779,188 0.79 1,401,337.53
200,000 1,869,407 1.50 2,802,599.59
300,000 1,924,287 2.18 4,203,835.30
400,000 1,964,202 2.85 5,605,101.51
500,000 1,995,730 3.51 7,006,338.08
600,000 2,021,866 4.16 8,407,590.33
700,000 2,044,232 4.80 9,808,899.10
800,000 2,063,805 5.43 11,210,133.66
900,000 2,081,225 6.06 12,611,371.42
1,000,000 2,096,932 6.68 14,012,571.13
1,250,000 2,130,593 8.22 17,515,772.60
1,500,000 2,158,494 9.74 21,018,781.81
1,750,000 2,182,372 11.24 24,522,045.83
2,000,000 2,203,268 12.72 28,025,192.01
2,500,000 2,238,634 15.65 35,031,353.26
3,000,000 2,267,952 18.54 42,037,674.20
3,500,000 2,293,038 21.39 49,043,732.00
4,000,000 2,314,995 24.21 56,050,448.82
5,000,000 2,352,155 29.79 70,062,628.97
7,500,000 2,421,211 43.41 105,094,427.65
10,000,000 2,471,433 56.70 140,125,702.74
15,000,000 2,543,990 82.62 210,188,288.63
20,000,000 2,596,758 107.92 280,250,674.56
50,000,000 2,772,237 252.73 700,629,155.30
100,000,000 2,912,816 481.06 1,401,252,752.99

Module 3: Tao Voting


PhilH challenged this the first time I shared it in a debate and I appreciate that. It made me think again and see the value of having a slightly lower support required and quorum. I also took 1 day off the vote duration.

Changing the TAO voting after seeing the value of having a slightly lower support required and quorum. I also took 1 day off the vote duration. Let’s not hinder ourselves by making votes too hard to pass. At 77% support required, it would take 23% no votes to block a change to the DAO. It's not so much that it will divide the community and no so little that it could happen often.

Parameter Value
Support Required 77%
Minimum Quorum 7%
Vote Duration 5 day(s)
Delegated Voting Period 3 day(s)
Quiet Ending Period 2 day(s)
Quiet Ending Extension 3 day(s)
Execution Delay 1 day(s)

Tao Voting Timeline From Proposal To Execution

This shows how the timeline stacks up for yes/no time based votes that can change the configuration after launch.

Timeline Data

# of Quiet Ending Extensions No Extensions With 1 Extension With 2 Extensions
Time to Vote on Proposals 5 days 8 days 11 days
Time to Review a Delegates Vote 2 days 5 days 8 days
Time to Execute a Passing Proposal 6 days 9 days 12 days

Module 4: Conviction Voting


There is a conversation about the TE Academy proposal that shapes my thinking here. Knowing their longer financial runway facilitates funding roles to execute their vision. So, for example, requesting a grant for 6 months out versus month-by-month would be the difference between only being able to assure someone’s role month-to-month versus offering a longer term assurance of compensation to a new hire. This is big for our bootstrapping projects!

Low spending limits act as a sort of check-and-balance on projects as they will need to prove continuous delivery by requesting small amounts periodically. There is a real advantage to that but I feel that makes it administratively difficult for larger, more ambitious projects like the TE Academy to depend on funding from us. And for the voters, it will exhaust our attention to have a constant stream of smaller proposals.

High spending limits here might pose a risk but as #124 points out, we have Celeste. We should be able to rely on Celeste to arbitrate anyone acting in bad faith. In the end, I believe it will better serve our goal of advancing Token Engineering than a low spending limit.

Finally, that any proposal will require > 24 hours to pass is a courtesy to the entire community.

Parameter Value
Conviction Growth 14 day(s)
Minimum Conviction 5.0%
Spending Limit 20.0%

Minimum Percent of Voting Tokens Needed to Pass Funding Requests

This shows how the minimum percent of tokens needed to pass proposals after 2 weeks varies with the percent of the Common Pool funds being requested.

Example Funding Request Data

Proposal Requested Amount (wxDAI) Common Pool (wxDAI) Effective supply (TEC) Tokens Needed To Pass (TEC)
1 1,000 100,000 1,500,000 83102
2 5,000 100,000 1,500,000 133333
3 25,000 100,000 1,500,000 Not possible
4 1,000 750,000 1,500,000 76010
5 5,000 750,000 1,500,000 80261
6 25,000 750,000 1,500,000 108000
7 150,000 865,213 1,500,000 Not possible


Parameter Definitions

Token Freeze and Token Thaw

Augmented Bonding Curve (ABC)

Tao Voting

Conviction Voting

Advanced Settings*

Parameter Value
HNY Liquidity 100 wxDAI
Garden Liquidity 1 TEC
Virtual Supply 1 TEC
Virtual Balance 1 wxDAI
Transferable True
Token Name Token Engineering Commons
Token Symbol TEC
Proposal Deposit 200 wxDAI
Challenge Deposit 400 wxDAI
Settlement Period 5 days
Minimum Effective Supply 1.0%
Hatchers Rage Quit 60000 wxDAI
Initial Buy 250000 wxDAI

*Learn more about Advanced Settings on the TEC forum