CommonsBuild / commons-config-proposals

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The common of Paul #152

Open tecparamsbot opened 2 years ago

tecparamsbot commented 2 years ago


What is the overall Commons Configuration strategy?



Module 1: Token Freeze & Token Thaw

Parameter Value
Token Freeze 30 Weeks
Token Thaw 100 Weeks
Opening Price 1 wxDAI

Module 2: Augmented Bonding Curve

Parameter Value
Commons Tribute 20.00%
Entry Tribute 3.00%
Exit Tribute 20.00%
*Reserve Ratio 51.42%

*This is an output. Learn more about the Reserve Ratio here.

Module 3: Tao Voting

Parameter Value
Support Required 70%
Minimum Quorum 5%
Vote Duration 10 day(s)
Delegated Voting Period 6 day(s)
Quiet Ending Period 3 day(s)
Quiet Ending Extension 3 day(s)
Execution Delay 1 day(s)

Module 4: Conviction Voting

Parameter Value
Conviction Growth 1 day(s)
Minimum Conviction 0.5%
Spending Limit 20.0%

Module 1: Token Freeze and Token Thaw


Parameter Value
Token Freeze 30 Weeks
Token Thaw 100 Weeks
Opening Price 1 wxDAI

Hatcher's TEC Release Schedule

This is the release schedule for TEC that was given to Hatchers. Their TEC will start out frozen and then slowly become liquid according to the graph above.

Token Release Timeline

Duration % of Tokens Released Price Floor of Token
3 months 0.00% 1.00 wxDAI
6 months 0.00% 1.00 wxDAI
9 months 9.00% 0.91 wxDAI
1 year 22.00% 0.78 wxDAI
1.5 years 48.00% 0.52 wxDAI
2 years 74.00% 0.26 wxDAI
3 years 100.00% 0.00 wxDAI
4 years 100.00% 0.00 wxDAI
5 years 100.00% 0.00 wxDAI

Module 2: Augmented Bonding Curve (ABC)


Parameter Value
Commons Tribute 20.00%
Entry Tribute 3.00%
Exit Tribute 20.00%
*Reserve Ratio 51.42%

*This is an output. Learn more about the Reserve Ratio here.

Allocation of Funds wxDAI
Common Pool (Before Initial Buy) 252244.71
Reserve (Before Initial Buy) 1008978.86
Common Pool (After Initial Buy) 259744.71
Reserve (After Initial Buy) 1251478.86

TEC Price vs ABC Reserve Holdings

The ABC mints and burns TEC tokens, the price of the TEC token is dependent on the funds that is held in the Reserve. This graph shows how the ABC's Price for TEC tokens changes with the ABC's Reserve Balance. The Initial Buy that will happen at launch is highlighted.

Example Transaction Data

Tx Reserve Total Supply Price Amount In Tribute Amount Out New Price Slippage
0 1008978.86 1962366.32 1.0 250000.00 wxDAI 7500.0 229811.42 TEC 1.11 5.23%
1 1251478.86 2192177.74 1.11 5000.00 wxDAI 150.0 4364.03 TEC 1.11 0.09%
2 1256328.86 2196541.77 1.11 100000.00 wxDAI 3000.0 85622.91 TEC 1.15 1.81%
3 1353328.86 2282164.68 1.15 3000.00 TEC 103.74 3354.11 wxDAI 1.15 0.06%
4 1349871.01 2279164.68 1.15 500.00 wxDAI 15.0 421.01 TEC 1.15 0.01%

ABC Overview

Reserve (wxDai) Supply (TEC) Price (wxDai/TEC) Market cap
10,000 183,006 0.11 19,449.94
50,000 418,642 0.23 97,246.06
100,000 597,889 0.33 194,491.21
200,000 853,884 0.46 388,981.53
300,000 1,051,814 0.55 583,471.82
400,000 1,219,489 0.64 777,962.14
500,000 1,367,746 0.71 972,452.51
600,000 1,502,164 0.78 1,166,942.77
700,000 1,626,070 0.84 1,361,433.12
800,000 1,741,632 0.89 1,555,923.49
900,000 1,850,365 0.95 1,750,413.87
1,000,000 1,953,368 1.00 1,944,904.20
1,250,000 2,190,846 1.11 2,431,129.92
1,500,000 2,406,157 1.21 2,917,355.86
1,750,000 2,604,627 1.31 3,403,581.51
2,000,000 2,789,735 1.39 3,889,807.35
2,500,000 3,128,893 1.55 4,862,259.12
3,000,000 3,436,393 1.70 5,834,710.84
3,500,000 3,719,842 1.83 6,807,162.23
4,000,000 3,984,207 1.95 7,779,614.13
5,000,000 4,468,580 2.18 9,724,517.07
7,500,000 5,504,393 2.65 14,586,775.30
10,000,000 6,381,877 3.05 19,449,034.05
15,000,000 7,861,190 3.71 29,173,550.13
20,000,000 9,114,384 4.27 38,898,066.40
50,000,000 14,599,363 6.66 97,245,166.53
100,000,000 20,850,324 9.33 194,490,332.12

Module 3: Tao Voting


Parameter Value
Support Required 70%
Minimum Quorum 5%
Vote Duration 10 day(s)
Delegated Voting Period 6 day(s)
Quiet Ending Period 3 day(s)
Quiet Ending Extension 3 day(s)
Execution Delay 1 day(s)

Tao Voting Timeline From Proposal To Execution

This shows how the timeline stacks up for yes/no time based votes that can change the configuration after launch.

Timeline Data

# of Quiet Ending Extensions No Extensions With 1 Extension With 2 Extensions
Time to Vote on Proposals 10 days 13 days 16 days
Time to Review a Delegates Vote 4 days 7 days 10 days
Time to Execute a Passing Proposal 11 days 14 days 17 days

Module 4: Conviction Voting


Parameter Value
Conviction Growth 1 day(s)
Minimum Conviction 0.5%
Spending Limit 20.0%

Minimum Percent of Voting Tokens Needed to Pass Funding Requests

This shows how the minimum percent of tokens needed to pass proposals after 2 weeks varies with the percent of the Common Pool funds being requested.

Example Funding Request Data

Proposal Requested Amount (wxDAI) Common Pool (wxDAI) Effective supply (TEC) Tokens Needed To Pass (TEC)
1 1,000 100,000 1,500,000 8310
2 5,000 100,000 1,500,000 13333
3 25,000 100,000 1,500,000 Not possible
4 1,000 750,000 1,500,000 7601
5 5,000 750,000 1,500,000 8026
6 25,000 750,000 1,500,000 10800


Parameter Definitions

Token Freeze and Token Thaw

Augmented Bonding Curve (ABC)

Tao Voting

Conviction Voting

Advanced Settings*

Parameter Value
HNY Liquidity 100 wxDAI
Garden Liquidity 1 TEC
Virtual Supply 1 TEC
Virtual Balance 1 wxDAI
Transferable True
Token Name Token Engineering Commons
Token Symbol TEC
Proposal Deposit 200 wxDAI
Challenge Deposit 400 wxDAI
Settlement Period 5 days
Minimum Effective Supply 1.0%
Hatchers Rage Quit 60000 wxDAI
Initial Buy 250000 wxDAI

*Learn more about Advanced Settings on the TEC forum