CommunityGD32Cores / platform-gd32

PlatformIO platform for ARM-based GD32{F,E,L,W} chips. Work in Progress!
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Does CMSIS-DSP integration work already? #22

Closed crosswick closed 2 years ago

crosswick commented 2 years ago

I'm looking to use some functions from CMSIS-DSP; is this already possible?

I couldn't find Gigadevice chips in ...

maxgerhardt commented 2 years ago

We're not an official platform made by PlatformIO so we're not showing up in their docs yet before we request it.

I think for the SPL and Arduino framework, we only include the header for CMSIS-DSP / arm_math.h but don't link in the library code, so compilation will fail. It's however easy to add this in.

What target microcontroller and framework (SPL, Arduino, mbedos) are you working on?

crosswick commented 2 years ago

I see. GD32E103CBT6 and GD32F150C8T6 for now, both SPL.

maxgerhardt commented 2 years ago

Very well, I'll prioritise those -- should have support for that by the end of tomorrow.

crosswick commented 2 years ago

:) awesome, thank you.

maxgerhardt commented 2 years ago

I've added the CMSIS-DSP library from CMSIS5 version 5.7.0 (last one to directly have the precompiled library files in the download...) in our SPL package ( and expanded the SPL builder script to auto-discover this library and set the correct FPU and float-ABI flags (

I've created an example project inspired by the official example and tested it on a GD32F350G8 board, where it works nicely. Compilation for your two chips was also tested, but I don't have the hardware for them at hand.

Please use the CLI to execute pio platform update gd32 and import and the linked gd32-spl-cmsis-dsp project regarding the genericGD32E103CB and genericGD32F150C8 environments (use the project environment switcher to switch). Does it work?

EDIT: I just did a slight build-system change because the FreeRTOS build failed on Cortex-M33 with hardfloat enabled, the SPL default is now to use softfloat for all targets, Cortex-M33 targets which wish to use the CMSIS-DSP library must have board_build.cm33_hardfloat = yes in the platformio.ini, as done in the latest commit to the example. This doesn't affect your Cortex-M3 and Cortex-M4F chips, but just FYI.

crosswick commented 2 years ago

Great!!! I will test it asap. Thank you very much

crosswick commented 2 years ago

These two boards work! GD32F150C8 and GD32E103C8, great - haven't been able to test my own GD32E103CB-based design yet, but I think that shouldn't be a problem.

The GD32E230C4 config doesn't compile, but I guess Cortex-M23 isn't supported yet? I saw this one commented out in the platformio.ini, I have a GD32E230C8 board that I could test with.

Thank you!

maxgerhardt commented 2 years ago

The E23x series with its Cortex-M23 is supported in the general build system and with CMSIS-DSP, but the specific GD32E230C4 chip only has 16 Kilobytes of flash, which is not enough for the SPL + CMSIS-DSP + printf (with floating pionter support) demo.

ld.exe: region `FLASH' overflowed by 12112 bytes

by about 12 kilobytes.

If you take out the four printf() calls and change the platformio.ini option to board_build.spl_printf_float = no, then the firmware fits, but has no printf() output (which might or might not matter).

RAM:   [          ]   1.6% (used 64 bytes from 4096 bytes)
Flash: [=====     ]  49.9% (used 8180 bytes from 16384 bytes)

(this also shows how excessively big the printf() implementation, even for the newlib-nano configuration, is -- we could do optimization with alternative printf() implementations for these tiny chips).

Thus it's not a fault of the platform really that compilation for that chip fails. The next bigger C6 chip (32 kBytes) works out-of-the box with all intended features, but its flash is also close to saturated.

RAM:   [=         ]   9.0% (used 556 bytes from 6144 bytes)
Flash: [========= ]  86.3% (used 28284 bytes from 32768 bytes)
crosswick commented 2 years ago

Alright, so it should be relatively easy for me to get my GD32E230C8 board to work with this example? I wouldn't immediately know how myself.

maxgerhardt commented 2 years ago

Exactly. As per available boards you can add to the platformio.ini just the environment for your board

board = genericGD32E230C8
framework = spl

(all other important options like platform are auto-inherited through the [env] section of the platformio.ini) and use the project environment switcher again as linked above to compile and upload for this new environment.

Compilation should result in

RAM:   [=         ]   6.8% (used 556 bytes from 8192 bytes)
Flash: [====      ]  43.2% (used 28284 bytes from 65536 bytes)
Building .pio\build\genericGD32E230C8\firmware.bin
========= [SUCCESS] Took 2.61 seconds =========
crosswick commented 2 years ago

False - it took 4.78 seconds :P

maxgerhardt commented 2 years ago

Okay well it seems you have circa half the CPU cores or processing power as I have, but the general successful compilation result is the same.

I'll close this issue as solved through then.

Other CMSIS libraries like CMSIS-NN will likely be added soon, too. Maybe also a "compile from source" option for CMSIS-DSP instead of the current precompiled way.