This is a port of ColorCode to .NET Standard. The original Html only formatter has been separated from the Logic, so now it can produce Syntax Highlighted code for any output. This Project can currently produce HTML, and Render to UWP RichTextBlocks.
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Change Json regex to prevent timeout with partial json #43
Json parsing can fail with incomplete json, timing out with no exception thrown. Adding the word boundary match to the regex prevents this. Unsure of any further implications but complete json is still parsed and coloured successfully after the change
Example failing code before change using ColorCode via Markdig
using Markdown.ColorCode;
using ColorCode.Styling;
using System;
public class Program
public static void Main()
var markdownPipeline = new Markdig.MarkdownPipelineBuilder()
.UseColorCode(styleDictionary: StyleDictionary.DefaultDark)
var result = Markdig.Markdown.ToHtml("```json\n[\n {\n \"jsonfield1\": \"value1\",\n \"jsonfield2\": \"value2\"\n },\n {\n \"jsonfield1\": \"value1 value1 value1 value1 value1 value1 value1 ",markdownPipeline);
Json parsing can fail with incomplete json, timing out with no exception thrown. Adding the word boundary match to the regex prevents this. Unsure of any further implications but complete json is still parsed and coloured successfully after the change
Example failing code before change using ColorCode via Markdig