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[Feature] TokenizingTextBox - Make TokenItemAdding event to be invoked even if the adding object is not a string to allow pre-check and cancellation #529

Open kaismic opened 1 month ago

kaismic commented 1 month ago

Describe the problem

Currently, TokenizingTextBox does not fire TokenItemAdding event when the data parameter in AddTokenAsync(object data) is not a string.

So when the user selects the already added item from SuggestedItemsSource, only QuerySubmitted event is invoked and I cannot prevent the duplicate item adding.

Thus, allowing TokenItemAdding to be invoked even if the data parameter is not a string would allow me to prevent duplicate items adding by checking the adding object and cancelling the event.

Describe the solution

Modify AddTokenAsync(object data)

        if (TokenItemAdding != null)
            TokenItemAddingEventArgs tiaea;
            if (data is string str)
                tiaea = new TokenItemAddingEventArgs(str);
                tiaea = new TokenItemAddingEventArgs(null) { Item = data };
            await TokenItemAdding.InvokeAsync(this, tiaea);


  1. Create new TokenizingTextBoxQuerySubmittedEventArgs class and either remove sealed from AutoSuggestBoxQuerySubmittedEventArgs and derive from it like this:

    public class TokenizingTextBoxQuerySubmittedEventArgs : AutoSuggestBoxQuerySubmittedEventArgs
        public bool Cancel { get; set; }

    Or just create a similar class with additional Cancel property:

    public class TokenizingTextBoxQuerySubmittedEventArgs
        public object ChosenSuggestion { get; }
        public string QueryText { get; }
        public bool Cancel { get; set; } = false;
  2. Create a new TokenizingTextBoxQuerySubmitted event in TokenizingTextBox.Events.cs

public event TypedEventHandler<AutoSuggestBox, TokenizingTextBoxQuerySubmittedEventArgs> TokenizingTextBoxQuerySubmitted;
  1. Modify RaiseQuerySubmitted
    internal void RaiseQuerySubmitted(AutoSuggestBox sender, AutoSuggestBoxQuerySubmittedEventArgs 
 args, TokenizingTextBoxQuerySubmittedEventArgs args)
        TokenizingTextBoxQuerySubmitted?.Invoke(sender, ttbArgs);
        QuerySubmitted?.Invoke(sender, args);
  1. Modify AutoSuggestBox_QuerySubmitted
    private async void AutoSuggestBox_QuerySubmitted(AutoSuggestBox sender, AutoSuggestBoxQuerySubmittedEventArgs args)
        var ttbArgs = new TokenizingTextBoxQuerySubmittedEventArgs()
            ChosenSuggestion = args.ChosenSuggestion,
            QueryText = args.QueryText
        Owner.RaiseQuerySubmitted(sender, args, ttbArgs);
        if (ttbArgs.Cancel)
        object? chosenItem = null;

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