Compartmental model structure pictures are already done in the GUI and, for example, in the SEIRD vignette. This wouldn't take long to implement for other models too (saving the model structures as images) and make available as a function for users: ode_model_structure(model).
For age-structured models, we could plot two age groups to give users an idea, or just raise "model structure not available" when this function is called.
Not really related, but I also realised that there is a mistake (pi should be chi) in the contact tracing diagram.
It's also ~easy~ not easy enough to add a ode_model_equations(model) alongside the above to render the equations because this requires another package to render things.
Compartmental model structure pictures are already done in the GUI and, for example, in the SEIRD vignette. This wouldn't take long to implement for other models too (saving the model structures as images) and make available as a function for users:
.For age-structured models, we could plot two age groups to give users an idea, or just raise "model structure not available" when this function is called.
Not really related, but I also realised that there is a mistake (pi should be chi) in the contact tracing diagram.