Comp-Sci-Principles-master / ProjectUnderground

game-team-h created by GitHub Classroom
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results of character auditions #2

Open KewTeacher opened 4 years ago

KewTeacher commented 4 years ago

(PC, NPC) Rosa- Mesh: Becky (NPC, enemy) Enemy- Mesh: Goatman (issue with blueprint, doesn't crawl/jump/walk) (PC, NPC) Mesh: Regina (issue with Regina's attack) (NPC, enemy) Mesh: Zombie (emp) (NPC, enemy) Mesh: Enemy1 (boss)

Require: 3 male characters, one more enemy Program- Fuse: Can put clothes and adapt character meshes. Probable Char Meshes: Douglas, James, Joe, Leonard, Malcolm, Oritz (Enemy), Pete (merchant NPC), Adam, Heraklios Anti-Govmt Merchant Class sitting around stations

KewTeacher commented 4 years ago

Bring characters from mixamo into our asset repo: Douglas, James, Joe, Leonard, Malcolm, Oritz (Enemy), Pete (merchant NPC), Adam, Heraklios

KewTeacher commented 4 years ago

bring in a sitting idle and a standing idle, run and a death

rvgold2 commented 4 years ago

Every character has been created with it’s necessary movements up until malcom. Issue that needs to be resolved: the running motion needs to be in place. Malcom has that issue resolved but all characters before that have not.

rvgold2 commented 4 years ago

Issue resolved. Every character after Malcom (Including Malcom) have all the correct running in place in place function as well as the other functions. The characters before Malcom have an updated running in place movement in the folder as well as the other motions.

rvgold2 commented 4 years ago

All the characters are in unreal but need to be animated.

KewTeacher commented 4 years ago

migrate to game repo