CompLin / nheengatu

Tools and resources for the computational processing of Nheengatu (Modern Tupi)
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alomorfe "h-" do prefixo de primeira pessoa do singular? #415

Open leoalenc opened 4 months ago

leoalenc commented 4 months ago

# sentid = Hartt1938:0:0:1-1 # text = Asú amupiririka se mantega._ # text_eng = I'm going to fry my butter. # text_por = Vou frigir minha manteiga. # text_source = p. 319, No. 1 # textorig = hasó hompyryrik se mantéga_ (Ereré). # place = Ereré # text_annotator = DMA # reviewer1 = LFdeA

1   Asú sú  AUX AUXFR   Number=Sing|Person=1|VerbForm=Fin   2   aux _   TokenRange=0:3
2   amupiririka mupiririka  VERB    V   Number=Sing|Person=1|VerbForm=Fin   0   root    _   TokenRange=4:15
3   se  se  PRON    PRON2   Case=Gen|Number=Sing|Person=1|PronType=Prs  4   nmod:poss   _   TokenRange=16:18
4   mantega mantega NOUN    N   Number=Sing 2   obj _   SpaceAfter=No|TokenRange=19:26
5   .   .   PUNCT   PUNCT   _   2   punct   _   SpaceAfter=No|TokenRange=26:27
leoalenc commented 4 months ago

@dominickmaia , esta issue constitui desdobramento de #404 .