CompLin / nheengatu

Tools and resources for the computational processing of Nheengatu (Modern Tupi)
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parataxe ou coordenação assindética, xcomp com ADJ e expressão temporal como obj #432

Open leoalenc opened 3 months ago

leoalenc commented 3 months ago

# sentid = Amorim1928:10:80:80 # text = Paraman, Duhi, sasiára usasáu nhaã ara._ # text_por = Paraman, Duhi, passaram tristes aquele dia. # text_source = p. 355-369, No. 80 # text_orig = Paraman, Duhi, sasyara osasau nhaa ara. # title_orig = PARAMAN_DUHI YRUMO # text_eng = TODO # text_rus = Параман и Дуи грустили весь день. # text_rus_source = Maslova (2018:195) # text_orig_transcriber = Gabriela Lourenço Fernandes, Biblioteca Brasiliana Guita e José Mindlin # text_por_modernizer = Gabriela Lourenço Fernandes, Biblioteca Brasiliana Guita e José Mindlin # text_annotator = LFdeA

leoalenc commented 3 months ago

# generator = UDPipe 2, # udpipe_model = portuguese-cintil-ud-2.12-230717 # udpipe_model_licence = CC BY-NC-SA # newdoc # newpar # sent_id = 1 # text = Paraman e Duhi passaram tristes aquele dia.

1   Paraman paraman PROPN   PNM _   4   nsubj   _   TokenRange=0:7
2   e   e   CCONJ   CJ  _   3   cc  _   TokenRange=8:9
3   Duhi    duhi    PROPN   PNM _   1   conj    _   TokenRange=10:14
4   passaram    passar  VERB    V   Mood=Ind|Number=Plur|Person=3|Tense=Past|VerbForm=Fin   0   root    _   TokenRange=15:23
5   tristes triste  ADJ ADJ Gender=Masc|Number=Plur 4   xcomp   _   TokenRange=24:31
6   aquele  aquele  DET DEM Gender=Masc|Number=Sing|PronType=Dem    7   det _   TokenRange=32:38
7   dia dia NOUN    CN  Gender=Masc|Number=Sing 4   obl _   SpaceAfter=No|TokenRange=39:42
8   .   .   PUNCT   PNT _   4   punct   _   SpaceAfter=No|TokenRange=42:43
leoalenc commented 3 months ago

# generator = UDPipe 2, # udpipe_model = english-ewt-ud-2.12-230717 # udpipe_model_licence = CC BY-NC-SA # newdoc # newpar # sent_id = 1 # text = Paraman and Duhi spent that day sad.

1   Paraman Paraman PROPN   NNP Number=Sing 4   nsubj   _   TokenRange=0:7
2   and and CCONJ   CC  _   3   cc  _   TokenRange=8:11
3   Duhi    Duhi    PROPN   NNP Number=Sing 1   conj    _   TokenRange=12:16
4   spent   spend   VERB    VBD Mood=Ind|Number=Sing|Person=3|Tense=Past|VerbForm=Fin   0   root    _   TokenRange=17:22
5   that    that    DET DT  Number=Sing|PronType=Dem    6   det _   TokenRange=23:27
6   day day NOUN    NN  Number=Sing 4   obl:tmod    _   TokenRange=28:31
7   sad sad ADJ JJ  Degree=Pos  4   xcomp   _   SpaceAfter=No|TokenRange=32:35
8   .   .   PUNCT   .   _   4   punct   _   SpaceAfter=No|TokenRange=35:36