CompLin / nheengatu

Tools and resources for the computational processing of Nheengatu (Modern Tupi)
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`advmod` em vez de `advcl` em `Avila2021:0:0:381`? #651

Closed leoalenc closed 4 days ago

leoalenc commented 4 days ago
# sent_id = 


# text = Yawé waá paá i nema xipinú kwá upé.
# text_eng = That's why the fart of the "upé" tortoise is stinky.
# text_por = Por isso é fedido o peido do "upé" [tipo de quelônio].
# text_source = Leetra Indígena. n. 17, 77, adap.
# text_annotator = Leonel Figueiredo de Alencar
1   Yawé    yawé    ADV ADVA    AdvType=Man 5   advcl   _   TokenRange=0:4
2   waá waá PRON    REL Number=Sing|PronType=Rel    1   fixed   _   TokenRange=5:8
3   paá paá PART    RPRT    Evident=Nfh|PartType=Mod    5   advmod  _   TokenRange=9:12
4   i   i   PRON    PRON2   Case=Gen|Number=Sing|Person=3|PronType=Prs  5   expl    _   TokenRange=13:14
5   nema    nema    VERB    V2  Mood=Ind|VerbForm=Fin   0   root    _   TokenRange=15:19
6   xipinú  tipinú  NOUN    N   Number=Sing|Number[psor]=Sing|Person[psor]=3|Rel=NCont  5   nsubj   _   TokenRange=20:26
7   kwá kwá DET DEMX    Deixis=Prox|Number=Sing|PronType=Dem    8   det _   TokenRange=27:30
8   upé upé NOUN    N   Number=Sing 5   dislocated  _   SpaceAfter=No|TokenRange=31:34
9   .   .   PUNCT   PUNCT   _   5   punct   _   SpaceAfter=No|TokenRange=34:35