Hi, I got a puzzle when I was reading the code of Net2NetTransformer
def forward(self, x, c):
# one step to produce the logits
_, z_indices = self.encode_to_z(x)
_, c_indices = self.encode_to_c(c)
if self.training and self.pkeep < 1.0:
mask = torch.bernoulli(self.pkeep*torch.ones(z_indices.shape,
mask = mask.round().to(dtype=torch.int64)
r_indices = torch.randint_like(z_indices, self.transformer.config.vocab_size)
a_indices = mask*z_indices+(1-mask)*r_indices
a_indices = z_indices
cz_indices = torch.cat((c_indices, a_indices), dim=1)
# target includes all sequence elements (no need to handle first one
# differently because we are conditioning)
target = z_indices
# make the prediction
logits, _ = self.transformer(cz_indices[:, :-1])
The condition like depth images has thier own specifically trained codebook, so their indices should have different meanings with that of rgb image code book.
But in this code snippet above, It seems that we simply concatenate them and feed into transformer.
Where the transformer will process them in one shared token embeding layer as shown in mingpt.py:162
def forward(self, idx, embeddings=None, targets=None):
# forward the GPT model
token_embeddings = self.tok_emb(idx) # each index maps to a (learnable) vector
Is this implementation correct? Or I have a wrong understanding of it?
Hi, I got a puzzle when I was reading the code of Net2NetTransformer cond_transformer.py:80
The condition like depth images has thier own specifically trained codebook, so their indices should have different meanings with that of rgb image code book. But in this code snippet above, It seems that we simply concatenate them and feed into transformer.
Where the transformer will process them in one shared token embeding layer as shown in mingpt.py:162
Is this implementation correct? Or I have a wrong understanding of it?