Open whyskyisgray opened 1 year ago
There are no ways I'm aware of to call de-novo SVs directly from short reads using a graph.
So your proposal of assembling your samples then making a new graph seems reasonable. If you include all your samples, then you can see your variants directly in the VCF that MC makes (no need for pangenie, unless you are exploring additional samples).
You just need to keep in mind that the quality of your results will depend quite a bit on the quality of the short read assemblies...
Thank you for your prompt and clear response :)
I thought that using pan-genie would enable calling in heterozygous regions.
Thank you for your answer! Have a great day!
You're right -- you'd need to re-genotype to get heterozygous calls. My previous message was written under the (obviously wrong for short reads) assumption that your input assemblies would be phased.
Hello Developers,
I've successfully built a pan-genome consisting of 12 genomes using MC without any problems. Thank you for your kind descriptions on GitHub.
Now, I'm planning to find more SVs by adding short-read sequence data.
From the method you suggested at GitHub Issue #943, you recommended calling structural variants that are already in the graph (using PanGenie or vg call), or creating a new VCF by surjecting.
However, I would like to explore relatively larger SVs using short-read sequences. My question is about your opinion on whether the method I'm trying to attempt is possible. (The genome size of my species is about 200Mbp.)
My proposed workflow is as follows:
Please consider if the method I'm trying to attempt is appropriate.
Thank you for your support, and I look forward to hearing from you soon!
Best Regards